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POVs: Contemporary American Citizen

Testament to the failure of the American Dream.
Like all the others, it ended up a very expensive storage areas for criminals.
Is it practical?
Today this pattern still continues but in a subtler way.
There are still hundred of thousands of prisoners today kept in dungeons, medieval-like conditions, for years, huge portion of their lifetimes, with nothing but (conditions?) for their brains to to (ziet?), be warped, and emerge with hatred, anger, and frustration toward the world.
(I couldn't read two of the words.)
Once prison was reform, now it is anti-recidivist and a source of income.
These two things (great conditions and to be pentitent) are irrelevant, and may lead people to thinking committing a crime isn't a big deal, because prison isn't too bad anyway.
It started out as an attempt to reform individulas but even now the corruption and evolution of corruption is visible in the empty space.
It might be easier or safer for some of them to stay in jail.
The original idea of build such prison is good. But the truth is, it overlook the prisoners' crazy behavior.
I disagree with the way prison is ran by today, but I'm quite confused whether as before, far more strict, is better because less people were imprisoned or if today's system, a better sustained prison life is a better alternative yet having more prisoners.
ESP was the beginning of a long legacy of American prison tradition, and set the standard for prisoner treatment (racial segregation, isolation, etc.) which is NOT a compliment.
One person did not circle a sentence so here's the whole shabang:
The prison here, or should be called penitentiary, is not making the prisoners change. The higher percentage of criminals the country got, the higher percentage of citizens would be put in here. But the system isn't changing their reasons for being criminal.