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Portfolio for jo

Web Papers and Events

May 10 2014 - 4:14am

The islands are the trailing threads of India’s fabric, the ragged fringe of her sari, the ãchol that follows her, half wetted by the sea. (Ghosh 6)

The sari, an integral part of Indian culture, features prominently in Amitav Ghosh’s story of the Sundarbans, The Hungry Tide. In the quote above, Ghosh uses traditional Indian garments as a metaphor to talk about the shape and geography of the tide country, but the role of such textiles and of clothing in general plays...

Apr 15 2014 - 1:07am

"God holds the only patent! He is the Engineer Supreme! And He has given up His seeds into the public domain!...Our seeds contain our beliefs. That's why we urge you to continue to save them and propagate them and pass them on to others to do the same, in accordance with God's plan. In this way we chose to praise our Lord and to fulfill His design - of which mankind is just one small part." (Ozeki...

Mar 8 2014 - 6:18pm

Somebody came up and said, "You talk about your home as if it were part of your own body." And they were right, this landscape is a living, breathing part of me. I consider it something to protect, like I would my own body. That's an idea that's been passed down from generation to generation. - Judy Bonds (found here)

    Much of our ecology and ‘Ecoliteracy’ 360 began with...

Nov 22 2012 - 2:35am

Reading Gayl Jones’ Eva’s Man, it was clear to me that Eva was oppressed, silenced. I saw her as a victim, and felt really bad for her and sad to think how many other women have had similar experiences. Through our class discussion, however, I began to consider that maybe it wasn’t as simple as that. It was couldntthinkofanoriginalname who first brought this to our collective attention in her post, Reflections on Eva’s Man: “all characters… are apart of a cycle of abuse…there is a...

Oct 29 2012 - 5:34pm

I made a video for my third web event:

Sep 23 2012 - 5:29pm

Silence feels a whole lot more complicated than it did when I wrote my first paper on the images of protest that Esty used to represent silence, and the difference between my feelings and thoughts about silence now and the image I posted three weeks ago of the moonrise, my image of silence, is huge. Over the summer, because I was alone in a country where I did not speak the language fluently, I became accustomed to silence, and though I hated and feared it at first, I grew to appreciate it,...

Sep 9 2012 - 3:22pm

When I first thought of images of silence that I might post last week, one thing I considered was some sort of silent protest or vigil, since activism and protesting are very important parts of my life and I love the idea of silence as a political or social act. Though I chose to go in a different direction for my...


silencing myself -- Sep 17 2012 - 11:58pm
a Vision of Silence and Voice -- Sep 13 2012 - 5:16pm
Grace Marks, Celebrated Murderess -- Sep 13 2012 - 5:05pm
Musings on Cliff -- Sep 5 2012 - 5:09pm
Silence and Perspective -- Sep 5 2012 - 3:59pm


emotions and shared experience -- Sep 24 2012 - 4:59pm
race and gender -- Sep 20 2012 - 6:42pm
an idealistic answer -- Sep 19 2012 - 5:01pm

Self Evalution

Bridges and Edges: On Pride and Risk -- May 10 2014 - 4:57pm

This 360 stands out to me as the most academically invested I’ve ever been in a class during my time at Bryn Mawr. This is in part due to the fact that it followed directly after the semester during which I wrote my senior thesis, an incredibly difficult experience that helped me grow in so many ways. I was not very well supported, academically, and this was particularly hard given the gravity and intensity of the project. However, because I got a lot of emotional support from friends and family, I was really able to interrogate the feelings that were coming up and that have always come up for me around school work, feelings of isolation and incompetence that have historically led me to try less hard and put more time into extracurricular activities rather than readings, papers, or assignments. I had learned a while back that I wasn’t very good at school, but through the emotional work I did while writing my thesis, I discovered that that’s just not true, that I have as much...

The Rickety Bridge Is Still Pretty Rickety - 360 Self Eval -- Dec 21 2012 - 2:21pm

I’ve been really anxious about writing these reflections for a while (which is probably why I’ve put them off so late) and I can’t quite figure out why. I think it has to do with the complexity of our learning experience this semester. I know I’m not alone in feeling the intensity of the 360, but I don’t think I’ve reflected on it much on my own before now. Sure, we’ve talked endlessly about our feelings and I even had the prison journal, but neither of those is the same as what I’m trying to do now. I do know we’re all in pretty much the same boat, and I see how most of my classmates have been able to finish their reflections by now. To be honest I think that’s one of the things that’s psyching me out. As comfortable as I have come to be with everyone, and although I feel no judgment whatsoever, I can’t help but feel exactly as I felt months ago when I posted late for Silence...

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