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Words, words, words.

Latin campus: field. First used at Princeton, New Jersey.
From the French camp (16th cent. in Littré) in same sense: compare Italian campo , Spanish campo , Portuguese campo ‘camp’, originally ‘field’, and French champ , Provençal camp , field, field of tournament, field of battle < Latin camp-us level field, spec. the Campus Martius at Rome, the place for games, athletic practice, military drills, etc., whence ‘field of contest or combat’, ‘field of battle’. Although camp was the Norman form of champ , no trace of it appears in Middle English, which had only champ n.1 from central Old French, in the senses of ‘field of duel or tournament’ and heraldic ‘field’. Camp was introduced early in the 16th cent., from contemporary French and with the sense castra, but was also at first used to render Latin campus in other senses, as well as occasionally in the sense of the earlier champ ‘field of combat’.
Littré supposed that the 16th century French use of camp was merely the literary adoption of the Picard form in a special sense; but evidently it was an adaptation of Italian (or ? Spanish) campo, in a sense not used with French champ.
The grounds of a college or university; the open space between or around the buildings; a separate part of a university. Hence allusively, university or college life or people.
Merriam-Webster Online:
1. the grounds and buildings of a university, college, or school
2. a university, college, or school viewed as an academic, social, or spiritual entity
3. grounds that resemble a campus <a hospital campus> <a landscaped corporate campus
Wiktionary (Wikipedia Dictionary):
From Latin campus (“field”).
First used in its current sense in reference to Princeton University in the 177’s
- The grounds or property of a school, college, university, business, church, or hospital, often understood to include buildings and other structures. The campus is sixty hectares in size.
- An institution of higher education and its ambiance. During the late 1960s, many an American campus was in a state of turmoil.
Usage notes
▪ The Latinate plural form campi is sometimes used, particularly with respect to colleges or universities; however, it is sometimes frowned upon. By contrast, the common plural form campuses is universally accepted.
Derived terms
▪ off-campus / on-campus
campus (third-person singular simple present campuses, present participle campusing, simple past and past participle campused)
To confine to campus as a punishment.
(I drew inspiration to deifne this word from Sarah’s definition of invasive)
Middle French, French natif belonging to the origin of an object (late 14th cent.), born in a particular place (early 15th cent.), (of metal) occurring naturally (1762; early 12th cent. in Old French (in a Franco-Occitan context) in form natiz in sense ‘originating (from a place)’) and its etymon classical Latin nātīvus having a birth or origin (see note), innate, natural, naturally occurring, (of words) used with their natural meaning, in post-classical Latin also born in a particular place (9th cent.; late 12th cent. in a British source), that is the place of a person's birth (from the second half of the 11th cent. in British sources), holding a certain position by right of birth (late 11th cent. in a British source), born in bondage, and spoken in a person's place of birth (both from 12th cent. in British sources), < nāt- , past participial stem of nāscī to be born.
1. Senses relating to natural state or condition.
- Inherent, innate; belonging to or connected with something by nature or natural constitution.
- With to (also †till): inherent in the nature of, belonging naturally to.
- Naturally occurring, following, or resulting. Obs.
- Left or remaining in a natural or original state or condition; free from or untouched by art; unadorned, simple, plain.
- Of an interpretation, meaning, etc.: direct, straightforward, literal; not contrived or obscure.
2. Senses relating to condition of birth or origin.
- Of a servant, bondman, etc.: having that status from birth; born in servitude. Obs.
- Of a person: entitled or qualified by right of birth to some status, title, etc. Also in extended use
- Of a person: connected with another or others by birth or race; closely related. Also with to and with.
3. Senses relating to place of birth or origin
- Of a country, region, etc.: that is the place of a person's birth and early life; that is the place of origin of a plant or animal. Occas. with to.
- Extended use (chiefly literary). Of an object, event, circumstance, etc.: being or forming the source or origin of a thing or person.
Chamber’s 21st Century Dictionary:
- being or belonging to the place of one’s upbringing.
- born a citizen of a particular place a native Italian.
- belonging naturally to one; inborn or innate native wit.
- having a particular language as one’s first, or mother, tongue my native tongue.
- originating in a particular place
- belonging to the original inhabitants of a country
- natural; in a natural state.
- someone born in a certain place.
- a plant or animal originating in a particular place.
- often derog one of the original inhabitants of a place as distinct from later, especially European, settlers.
- natively adverb.
- nativeness noun.
- go native see under go1.
14c: from Latin nativus natural, from nasci to be born.
From Old French natif, from Latin nativus, from natus, ‘birth’.
- Belonging to one by birth. This is my native land. English is not my native language. I need a volunteer native New Yorker for my next joke…
- Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times. What are now called ‘Native Americans’ used to be called Indians. The native peoples of Australia are called aborigines.
- (chiefly North America, also Native) Of or relating to North American Indians or Aboriginal people.
- Characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin. Many native artists studied abroad.
- (biology, of a species) Which occurs of its own accord in a given locality, to be contrasted with a species introduced by man. The naturalized Norway maple often outcompetes the native North American sugar maple.
< lost, past participle of lose v.1> Old English losian , < los loss n.1, used almost exclusively intr. (sense 1); sometimes with indirect obj. in dative, as me losode hit = I lost it. The transitive use, which occurs twice in Old Northumbrian and appears in general use early in 13th cent., seems to have arisen partly from interchange of function between the indirect obj. and the subject where these were not distinguishable by case-form (compare like v.1, loathe v.), and partly from the perfect conjugated with be (Old English hit is gelosod = it is lost), which admits of being apprehended as passive. The later sense-development of the vb. has been influenced by the cognate leese v.1, with which it became synonymous, and which it in the end superseded.
- That has perished or been destroyed; ruined, esp. morally or spiritually; (of the soul) damned.
- Having the mental powers impaired
- transf. Desperate, hopeless.
- Of which some one has been deprived; not retained in possession; no longer to be found. Also, of a person or animal: Having gone astray, having lost his or its way.
- Of time, labour, space: Not used advantageously; spent in vain; †hence, vain, groundless. Of opportunities: Not turned to account, missed.
- Of a battle, game: In which one has been defeated. Also transf. Of a person: That has lost the day; defeated
- To have passed from the possession of; to have been taken or wrested from.
- Of a person: To be so depraved as to be inaccessible (to some good influence); to have no sense of (right, shame, etc.). Also rarely in neutral sense, to be ‘dead’ to, to have lost all interest in
- To be forgotten by, unknown to (the world)
Collins English Dictionary:
- unable to be found or recovered.
- unable to find one's way or ascertain one's whereabouts.
- confused, bewildered, or helpless: he is lost in discussions of theory.
- (sometimes followed by on) not utilized, noticed, or taken advantage of (by): rational arguments are lost on her.
- no longer possessed or existing because of defeat, misfortune, or the passage of time: a lost art.
- destroyed physically: the lost platoon.
- (foll by to) no longer available or open (to).
- (foll by to) insensible or impervious (to a sense of shame, justice, etc.).
- (foll by in) engrossed (in): he was lost in his book.
- morally fallen: a lost woman.
- damned: a lost soul.
- get lost (usually imperative) Informal go away and stay away.
Merriam- Webster’s Dictionary of Law:
- not made use of, won, or claimed 〈~ opportunity costs〉
- unintentionally gone out of or missing from one's possession or control
- ruined or destroyed physically; also : in an unknown physical condition or location