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Science and Society Blog

Doug Blank's picture
Welcome! The Center for Science in Society Blog is now open for business. Try posting a blog, if you have an account, or responding to this with a comment if you don't. Please comment here any suggestions to make the blog:
  • more beautiful
  • easier to use
  • encouraging to outsiders
  • useful


LauraKasakoff's picture

There are two features of the Haverford Go Boards that I love, and that I thought might be useful for the Emergence 361 blog:
  • The option to receive an e-mail every time a comment is added to a blog entry a user has posted.
  • An option to view all blog entries that have been posted since the last time a user has visited the blog.
I don't know if these features are possible, or if they already exist and I don't know how to use them, but I thought I'd just throw it out there!!!
Doug Blank's picture

Yep, those would both be nice. The second is already here. Once you log in, you can click on "recent posts" in the upper left hand column. I bet we can do the first. Flora?
LauraKasakoff's picture

Please just slap me if I'm being annoying. I am pretty bad at navigating websites so these things might not be interesting to anyone else, but I had some other ideas to change the setup of our blog to make it easier to keep up with what everyone is saying. Also, I would love to help with implementing ideas but I am not really "tech savvy". I would love it if...
  • The "recent comments" column on the right side of the home page of the blog did not disappear after navigating away from the home page.
  • I would love to be able to click on a person's name under the list of course "Bloggers" and be able to see a record of not only all their personal blog entries but also comments they have made in other peoples' blogs.
  • It would also be neat if you could click on a person's user name under a comment they have authored and be connected to their blog
  • I don't know whether it's feasible but it would be convenient if there was the option to view an entry and it's comments in the temporal order in which they were posted. Sometimes it can be confusing trying to keep track of who said what in response to whom when.
Also, the "recent posts" feature is convenient, but it would be really cool to be able to just have a list of all the posts (comments and personal blog entries) that have been written since the last time you've logged in. It's a nice way to make sure you don't miss anything, without having to log in every hour or so. Ok, those were most of the ideas that were just floating around in my head. Just thought I'd put it out there! Thanks!
Doug Blank's picture

Laura, all good points. Some we are aware of and are working on, others you can already do: The "recent comments" column on the right side of the home page of the blog did not disappear after navigating away from the home page. That one, we can't currently fix. We're trying to make this work for a variety of courses, and hopefully it will work that way someday. I would love to be able to click on a person's name under the list of course "Bloggers" and be able to see a record of not only all their personal blog entries but also comments they have made in other peoples' blogs. Coming soon... It would also be neat if you could click on a person's user name under a comment they have authored and be connected to their blog I think we can fix that one... I don't know whether it's feasible but it would be convenient if there was the option to view an entry and it's comments in the temporal order in which they were posted. Sometimes it can be confusing trying to keep track of who said what in response to whom when. Yep, we can fix that one. Also, the "recent posts" feature is convenient, but it would be really cool to be able to just have a list of all the posts (comments and personal blog entries) that have been written since the last time you've logged in. It's a nice way to make sure you don't miss anything, without having to log in every hour or so. After you log in, you can click on "recent posts" on the left hand side. That will show you all of the recent posts and any new comments. I'll forward your suggestions, and hopefully you'll see some of these changes soon. -Doug
LauraKasakoff's picture

Thank you very much! It's all exciting news!