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identity formation

calamityschild's picture

i am unhappy to announce that my head injury has set me back on my work on this project!!! it still hurts quite a bit to look at words on a page or on a screen for extended periods of time and after a little bit of reading the words are swimming, my head is pounding, and my eyes are strained. i apologize that my progress has more or less been halted-i want to rest my brain, doctor's orders, but i also really need to try to starting this paper.

my working thesis has been that the African post-colonial subject cannot comfortably develop a cosmopolitan identity because of the uneven power relations between old colonial powers and the colonized world. i have been reading appiah's "the ethics of identity," which has helped me understand the idea of cosmopolitanism in a greater depth: where the idea finds its roots, how one might go about envisioning a truly cosmopolitan identity, the questions it raises, and what it means to come from a place but to belong to the whole world. i want to write this paper as a critique of cosmopolitanism, since i think americanah demonstrates the challenges that african post-colonial subjects face when they migrate to the west and attempt to find belonging in western society. i think i'll use the voices of ifem, obinze, and aunty uju to draw a clearer picture of the ways that the cosmopolitan ideal is still predicated on western universalism, which leads me to the question of whether or not western universalism is just a descendant of western imperialism (and if it is, the post-colonial subject is destined for disappointment when they exchange african nationalism for a cosmopolitan identity). 

sorry-i know an outline would be preferable-just trying to heal!


Anne Dalke's picture

And I'm unhappy that you are still trying to put in screen time (in fact, I feel guilty writing back to you, because I know you'll read it), when you're under doctors' orders to rest your brain. We had a presentation from the Athletics staff in today's Faculty Meeting about concussions, and the need to take them seriously, give y'all time off to heal. As Kathy Tierney said, "we know how important your brains are!"

So PLEASE stop trying to do the work your brain can't do right now; sleep, rest, turn off this screen. You DO NOT "really need to try to starting this paper." We'll figure out a reasonable extension once you begin to feel able to work again. For now: NO.

[And then for later, when you are able to pick this up again: I think your working thesis is spot on, and that Americanah is chockfull of evidence to support your claim. So this is eminently do-able. JUST NOT NOW.

Always, and with concern,

Anne Dalke's picture

And I'm unhappy that you are still trying to put in screen time (in fact, I feel guilty writing back to you, because I know you'll read it), when you're under doctors' orders to rest your brain. We had a presentation from the Athletics staff in today's Faculty Meeting about concussions, and the need to take them seriously, give y'all time off to heal. As Kathy Tierney said, "we know how important your brains are!"

So PLEASE stop trying to do the work your brain can't do right now; sleep, rest, turn off this screen. You DO NOT "really need to try to starting this paper." We'll figure out a reasonable extension once you begin to feel able to work again. For now: NO.

[And then for later, when you are able to pick this up again: I think your working thesis is spot on, and that Americanah is chockfull of evidence to support your claim. So this is eminently do-able. JUST NOT NOW.]

Always, and with lotsa concern,