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Midterm Comic: Autistic at College

fcsmith's picture


Alison Love's picture

I thought this was really captivatng. The idea of a comic format is really new for me and I felt that style conveyed the information in a really effective way. I processed the quotes and advice much more than I would have if it was just a bulleted list. The protraits of the people who contributed quotes were so beautifully crafted and really engaged me with the quotes - it was helpful to have an idea of the person speaking in my mind while reading. The idea to create a guide in a non-conventional style fits into themes from class that I considered in my midterm too - how do we convey infromation in accademia? how can we make accademic work in a broader variety that will fit for a variety of people and cognitive difference.  

Lindsay Wytkind's picture


Your comic is amazing. I'm so impressed by how professional it looks, and how well it flows. I was initially drawn to your comic because I saw all of the drawings of the individuals who you quote. These portraits are not only incredible from an artistic point of view, but they greatly enhance the quotes. Autism, especially higher-functioning autism, is often an invisible disability, and I think it's important to make these people visible, not just by sharing their narratives through quotes, but also by literally making them visible through self-portrait.
One part of the comic that resonated with me was the section about accommodations. Too often people assume that because someone has a disability, that they wish or need to disclose it and request accommodations/ services. You make it very clear in this section that the individuals with autism have total control over whether or not they disclose their disability. You also make it clear that the individuals themselves know best what accommodations they need, and that they have the full independence and ability to request or not to request these resources.
I appreciate that throughout the entire piece, you do a great job of weaving together many perspectives on being autistic in college. You make sure to emphasize that all of the "tips" are just options that the individuals have, and that they know themselves better than anyone else knows their own needs.