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khinchey's picture

I feel that alot my reactions and feelings at Camphill were so intertwined with the events of last week that it is necessary to give a disclaimer that the emotional exhaustion defintely played a role in how I experienced the Village. I feel that the many surprises of last week were all a factor in how my observations of the facilities felt even more surprising. I already spoke in class about my struggles and surprises about Riva's visit and I felt almost even more out of my element at Camphill. 

First visit to Camphill

abby rose's picture

As others have expressed, I almost can't believe that Camphill is real. I've only ever dreamt about small, peaceful communities that exist productively by themselves. I love how everyone has a role and an opportunity to develop new skills amidst nature and good food and kind people. I didn't really know what to expect at all beofre visiting which isn't surprising since I've never been to a place like Camphill before in my life.

Camp Hill, Pt. 1

rb.richx's picture
Anxiety is certainly the word that comes to mind with this prospective trip. There was certainly relief too - nothing felt especially institutional/clinical, and there wasn't some grand expectation of knowledge or understanding that was beyond me.

Camphill Reflexion

Sunshine's picture

Camphill seems almost too good to be true. They have amazing food, napping stations, and everybody is extremely friendly. What more could we ask for? I’m not too worried about the portrait project. I feel like as long as everyone knows that they shouldn’t expect a masterpiece from me, I’ll be alright. I’m actually more interested in the work we’ll be doing when we’re not drawing. I’m looking forward to the opportunity of baking or weaving with the residents. So hopefully it is too good and true. 


Reflection on Camphill

nbarker's picture

I'm so much more excited for our trip to Camphill now that we have visited. Initially, my main expectation had been that it would be quite a bit larger than the reality--more people, and a different structure. My image of farming towns has always been, also, othat they are flat, not on hilly terrain such as that at Camphill! This is probably my midwestern upbringing talking, however...

Reflection on Camphill

ndifrank's picture

I am in complete of awe of camphill. Mimi was so inviting and you can really sense the close relationships formed between the co workers and villagers. The co op lifestye really intrigued me.What surprised me was how rural the camp truly was and how the Camphill manages finances. The shared car and small salary that Mimi recieves shocked being that I have never expperienced a lifestlye relative to hers. Mimi's life is Camphill and it as if she is not a seperate being. The architecture of the buildings even furthered the sense of the community melding into it's enviornments. I am truly excited to expand my painting and drawing skills ( or gain skills as a whole) at Camphill. It was so peaceful and inviting.

Reflecting on Camphill

Hummingbird's picture

Is it possible to feel simultaneously more settled and more anxious about this upcoming trip to Camphill? After interacting (briefly) with residents at Camphill, I'm feeling better about working with them to create a portrait of themselves. I was excited by the facilities and the beauty of the place; I wasn't really sure what to expect regarding how it would look, and I didn't know how much farmland and forest the area would include. I appreciated Mimi's honesty about how Camphill navigates the dueling pressures to serve the residents and balance the budget. 

Camphill Reflection

abradycole's picture

When people asked me what my 360 was about, I said something along the lines of, “It’s called Identity Matters. It’s about the intersectionality of identities. Over fall break we’re going to an intentional community for people with developmental disabilities and we’re going to tell their stories through writing and visual art.” People had a lot of questions, the majority of which I couldn’t answer.

Artistic Reassurance

bridgetmartha's picture

Walking into Camphill, even having been told in detail about the village, its mission, and all that it has to offer, I had no image in my head of what to expect. Perhaps because the concept seemed so intriguing to me, but also partially so concerning, especially in light of discussions about viewing disability as pathology and locking away individuals with disabilities as we lock away our elderly. Though I knew that this was a highly improbable parallel, I couldn’t help but fear, at worst, that these were relatives exiled by families who couldn’t otherwise look after them.