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Thoughts about our talk and invisible diablities

ndifrank's picture

I too share a lot of these same feelings. I suffer from anxiety and I don't feel comfortable always saying that out loud. My anxiety has shaped me into someone who tends to be a listener within the classroom like Abby and a talkative person outside of the classroom. I really appreciated the conversation we had today and although I don't beleive we should have a fully structured course that includes hand raising or using cards, I still would appreciate more space to be who I am.

Mantrafesto by rosea and Hummingbird

abby rose's picture

This is the Mantrafesto by rosea and hummingbird – We wrote this by pulling on direct quotations from Pratt and Clare. We wanted to examine the ways Bryn Mawr has both shifted and remained the same regarding its community and exclusivity. The lines in which words are bracketed may be read both with and without the bracketed word. This is predominantly a found poem. 


Past: we were women

women who were in a position of material advantage

advantage at the expense of others

other women --

women who did not have a degree

Mantrafesto; Strength of a Community?

rb.richx's picture

This was spurred on by an idea I had… I have many times head the phrase “strong Bryn Mawr woman”, implying independence and ability (being weak and vulnerable is also associated with disabled folks, whether or not by choice) . Does this not inherently go against the idea of a Bryn Mawr Community/Bubble?


Strength is not the opposite of vulnerability. Neither are inherently good, neither are inherently bad.


Vulnerability, when revealed via consent or need, allows for the creation of a Safe Space.

Safe spaces foster and require community.



is based on likeness.


khinchey's picture


We have a problem with identity politics on campus

Campus Life as it is currently structured means that not everyone is safe

Safety is essential for personal growth & academic success

Success can not be attained by only an individual

Individual experience can not be used for change unless we reprioritize how we function as a community

Changing Mantrafesto

Changing forces us to confront challenges.
Challenges invite us to create a platform for space.
Space gives opportunity for productive and active discussion.
Discussion leads to the opportunity of learning.
Learning id the transition from an old school of thought to new ideas. 
New ideas lead to new understanding.
understanding makes us recognize and accept our uncertainty.


rb.richx's picture


Categories of identity that involve privilege or the lack thereof (examples include gender, race, class, sexual orientation) interact on multiple levels and often simultaneously in a way that cannot be fully separated in the understanding of it.

Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality to describe that overlap and interaction of identities. Her specific example is that her identity as a black woman must be examined as black womanhood rather than as blackness + womanhood * (Crenshaw). Part of her argument, then, when using her example, is that gender and race intersect in such a way that gender is experienced differently depending on the race of the individual.

How to be a Dope Ally

Sunshine's picture

I had a lot of conflicted feelings over last class. I felt like I was in the same boat as Anne. I agree that there should be a better way to realize injustice than relating to ourself, but also, learnig is so much more worthwhile when you can use your own experiences to understand something. Isn't that why we want "diverse" classrooms? So we can learn from everybody's experiences? Being in a class with 11 other people who are exactly like you would be extremely boring. That's why this 360 is so much fun!