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Reading Horse: Thoughts on the Digital Humanities in Rushika Wick's Newest Book

Book Cover: Horse by Rushika WickHorse is only one letter different from house. A horse is ours and hours where a house is only yours or belonging to you all. It is not only the size, but the material requirements that make horses so expensive; they need to live in a complex ecosystem to thrive. Meanwhile, the ecological nightmare is this disturbed and disappearing mare impossible to touch by means of technology.

Final Project Jenny Jiang

Jenny Jiang's picture

Hi everyone, my final project talks about the relationship between art and disability, since we've been discussing CCW and multiple mediums of art that the community have created and its such a vibrant field to dig deeper in. This is a narrated PPT, where each slide accompanies a short audio clip that once you click on it, plays the presentation for the slide. Hope you enjoy!


Final Project Jenny Jiang

Jenny Jiang's picture

Hi everyone, my final project talks about the relationship between art and disability, since we've been discussing CCW and multiple mediums of art that the community have created and its such a vibrant field to dig deeper in. This is a narrated PPT, where each slide accompanies a short audio clip that once you click on it, plays the presentation for the slide. Hope you enjoy!


I don't know what I am doing, but do you think it is anything good?

I think of Paul Grobstein every year on his birthday.  This year, it is his encouragement to experiment and to work across disciplinary boundaries that I want to celebrate.  A long time ago, I sent him an email with a subject line: I don't know what I am writing, but do you think it is anything good?  It was a prose poem and not an essay about neurobiology and that did not matter to him in the slightest.  So here is something only a little bit similar...

Genetic Screening and Testing Ethics

AlexC's picture

Here are a few pages from "The Gene: An Intimate History" by Siddhartha Mukherjee that I found relevant after today's discussion.


If this sample isn't too technical for you, this is a great book that both goes into the details of how genetics works and does an excellent job of covering the eugenics movement in America (and elsewhere, but primarily America). The author himself had several schizophrenic relatives, who he talks about a bit in the book. 


Fixing Equipment: Vice Coverage of Right-To-Repair Legislature

aconn's picture

Some of my thoughts over the course of the semester have led me to discover the right-to-repair movement. Organized from mostly farmers who could not repair their equipment without paying companies like John Deere to repair it for them, putting them in an unfair power dynamic with a machine that is necessary to their liveliehood and that they own. Recent platforming of the issue has allowed for a multiplicity of right-to-repair coalitions in support of the rights to repair medical equipment, electronics, industrial equipment, and manufacturing apparatuses, inducing an impetus for the intersection of disability advocacy into the movement.

Reflection Essay

aconn's picture

I went from having almost no knowledge of disability studies before taking this class, and now I feel as though I cannot unsee the intersections at every turn in my academic and personal life. I don’t exaggerate when I say this; I am familiar with disability but have never had the language to explain, describe, or enunciate what I have experienced. Repeating many others, the current public lexicon is woefully equipped to address the diversity of human experiences, especially when it manifests itself as disability. Taking this class and holding on to several questions important to me throughout the semester has led to my understanding of disability being expanded upon in many ways.