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BBI 2007 Session 1

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Being a Scientist/Explorer/Creator (Theory)
Starting Wherever We Are, To Get it Less Wrong, Together
Getting to know each others stories
Paul Grobstein - I'm a neurobiologist who has done research on nervous system organization and development in crayfish, leeches, rabbits, and frogs. This research was related to and has extended to exploring more directly several broader questions about brain organization and development in humans, including the nature of representations of space, the distinction between conscious and unconscious processing, and the nature of individual choice and free will. I'm also a parent, biologist and educator, with an array of still more general interests in the underpinnings of human behavior, the nature of biological, cultural, and intellectual change, complex systems and general information processing principles, and the character of human understanding and the relationships among its different forms. Associated with this is a strong commitment to improving the educational environment at all levels and for all people. Common to all these aspects of myself is a strong belief in the capabilities of the human brain to explore and create, both individually and collectively, in ways that achieve improved understandings of the human condition and open new avenues for its further development. And a belief that modern information technology, including the web, is a distinctive and valuable tool for the extension of human understanding. Having grown up with science, I have found it to be a central component of agency, a valuable source of both power and humility.In what ways are you similar to/different from me/others here? Include in your posting in the forum area below something of your feelings about "science", whether you think of yourself as a scientist or not and why.
Thinking about science (and science education)
Traditional Linear | Loopy Story Telling |
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Science as body of facts established by specialized fact-generating people and process
Science as successive approximations to Truth
Science as process of getting it less wrong, potentially usable by and contributed to by everyone
Science as ongoing story telling and story revision: repeated making of observations, interpreting and summarizing observations, making new observations, making new summaries ... individually and collectively Science as skepticism, a style of inquiry that can be used for anything, one which everybody is equipped to to/can get better at/be further empowered by, and contribute to - a way of making sense of what is but even more of exploring what might yet be |
If science is as much about creation as discovery then the "crack"is a feature, not a bug ... and differences among people are an asset to the process rather than a problem or an indication it isn't working |
Trying It Out ...
Which of the following two stories do you prefer?Because of ...
- personal observations?
- observations made by others (personally verified or not)?
- social stories (heard from others)?
- usefulness?
- Very old
- Less old
- Recent
- Still more recent
- SeaWiFS Biosphere Globes
- Ask a Scientist
- Why it matters (sometimes)
- personal observations?
- observations made by others (personally verified or not)?
- social stories (heard from others)?
- other?
- Older
- More recent: Ptolemy, Copernicus (1473-1543), Brahe (1546-1601), Galileo (1564-1642), Kepler (1571-1630)
- Integrating projectiles and orbits
- Recent and when it matters
- Which Way IS It?
Is one or the other story true? Have there been others? Will there be others?
Scientific stories are frequently efforts to summarize the widest possible range of observations, always motivate new observations and hence new stories, should never be understood as "authoritative" or "believed in", do not compete with or invalidate other stories.
Key issues about scientific stories
Which of the following stories do you prefer?
- Existing life forms (including humans) are as they are because of a previous and ongoing process of evolution consisting of random change and natural selection (differential reproductive success).
- Existing life forms (including humans) are as they are because of repeated creative acts of a supernatural being with a plan and intent?
- Existing life forms (including humans) are as they are because of an initial creative act with a supernatural being with a plan and intent?
- Other?
- personal observations?
- observations made by others (personally verified or not)?
- social stories (heard from others)?
- other?
- is one or another story "true"?
- National Center for Science Education
- Institute for Creation Research
- Evolution and Intelligent Design: Perspectives and Resources on Serendip
- Science as Story Telling in Action: Evolution (and revolution?)
Loopy story telling science is a tool to help one become better at thinking for oneself
at using observations to make one's own stories that motivate new observations that motivate new stories that one shares with others Science education should help people become better at thinking for themselves at ongoing, shared, exploration and creation That's the theory, this afternoon the practice
Science = open-ended transactional cyclic observation/interpretation/creation; being wrong and conflict an important part of it; give up "definiteness" for usefulness and openness (pass it on).
Where do we get the ability to inquire? to make observatons? tell/share/compare stories? revise hypotheses/stories? Tomorrow the brain ... |
What do think of the science as story telling and story revising? of "getting it less wrong"? Good points? Bad points? Put your thoughts in the forum below to help others think about it too.
science as storytelling
I understand the basis for
getting to know me- intro and thoughts
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Dawkins and I am rising senior here at Bryn Mawr College. I am a physics major, education minor, and study other things such as; math and Spanish. I plan on becoming an urban public high school physics and math teacher. I have to agree with Graham in that I do not believe the current way we are presenting science (physics in particular) is particularly effective. I am with working Paul this summer exploring more effective ways of teaching and learning science and math. Hopfully this research will continue into the school as I formulate thesis ideas.
I do like the idea that science is all about becoming less wrong. This is relevant not only to education but to physics as well. For instance in my future classroom I probably will do various things wrong and throughout my career will strive to become less wrong. Similarly, in physics, we are always looking for a less wrong way of describing the universe.
Science as story telling and story telling in general (as Paul describes it) can at times seem unrealistic. I say this because I'm not sure if we could ever get everyone in the world to listen and acknowledge everyone else's stories. At the same time, I think it's necessary to be hopeful and do our part in order to be a catalyst for change. I also think that I may perceive story telling a little differently...but I guess that's the whole idea...I acknowledged Paul's ideas and in turn it affected my own. I think that's the most important part: it's still my own.
Science as Storytelling
Regards, Bruce
science as storytelling
Science as Story Telling
Monday 7-9
Session 1 thoughts
There are two somewhat distinct issues, one is science as loopy, unending, not Truth. The other is science as "story". The first seems to me critical, not only because it provides ways for students to engage more effectively with science (as many have noted) but also because is in actually what importantly differentiates science from other human activities, and can hopefully help offset peoples' wish for certainty generally. We'll also see important parallels between science and the brain with regard to both loopiness and tentativeness.
There are important reasons to worry about "story" with regard to science, since as a word it calls up unintended meanings (something with a beginning and end, something that is a lie, something that doesn't have to be taken seriously, something I can believe in whatever anyone else says). On the other hand, it also calls up meanings very much intended (not True, way of making sense of things that is perspective/author dependent, something to share with others, something that can change over time). Here too, we'll say important parallels between science and the brain with regard to story telling (and revising).
I found this mornings
Science as Story Reaction
Day 1 First Discussion
It seems to me that using science as storytelling will allow students to take ownership of science. If they are so motivated, they will become more involved in the process as they are now given the pen and paper with which to help write the story, so to speak. That being said, I wonder, especially at the lower levels, if teaching science in this manner might be too complicated for them, especially at ages where the students very much tend to think in concrete terms of 2+3=5. Graham
In what ways are you similar
In what ways are you similar to/different from me/others here? Include in your posting in the forum area below something of your feelings about "science", whether you think of yourself as a scientist or not and why.
Since I work in education I am similar to all of you other fine folks. I am different in that I never planned to teach so I was not watching my teachers with any attention to how they taught or what they did while teaching. Instead I was learning the material that was taught. Only later when I realized that I was teaching classmates in college, and being teaching assistant in grad school with office hours, did I finally start trying to recall what my excellent teachers did. I tried thinking of teachers who were not so excellent, but could not. Either I was really lucky in school or just oblivious. I am science oriented and often bother my family and friends in a science way when I ask for evidence or for "How do you know that to be so?" in most situations. I am skeptical of things instead of accepting without question, especially when I do not see a coherence or causal relationship. What makes me curious? I was lucky enough that the elementary school science curiosity that is so prevalent stuck with me. Those little kids are all scientists. Being a scientist now seems odd to some of my acquaintances and perhaps it is because they stopped their own science thinking some time ago. I like thinking this way.
My name is Diane and I do think that I am a scientist, not because I am good in math, or because I was in the AP classes, but because I am inquisitive. I do love to read, so addressing science as storytelling is fascinating to me! I teach middle school science & RELA, which is another reason why I am excited to participate in this class!
I tell my students that there are scientist, because they are! I try to incorporate day to day stuff into science class, to show them that science can be a part of their life. Next year I will be teaching writing to the 7th&8th graders, and I am interested in incorporating science into their writing and their storytelling. This past year my science students did create our first magazine, which I hope we can publish a magazine every year!
Am I a scientist, myfeelings
Intro and hello
Hi, Bob McCormick from Marple Newtown High School located in Delaware County Pa. I am department leader of special education at the high school.
No matter our position in the field of education, we are all educators dealing with different segments of the school. Teachers educate students, administrators educate teachers, supervisors educate administrators. Therefore, if you are in the field of education we are all educators.
Am I a scientist? A scientist is an explorer. Do I explore various techniques and methods to effectively instruct ALL students? Yes. Then on this elementary level, I am a scientist.
Science Facilitation
First Day BBI07
my story
I believe that is important
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