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Brain, Education, and Inquiry - Fall 2010: Resources

Paul Grobstein's picture

Brain, Education, and Inquiry

Bryn Mawr College, Fall 2010

Course Resource List

This list is an idiosyncratic sampling of materials on the web and elsewhere.  Suggestions for additions to this list are welcome in the on-line forum at the bottom of the page.  

General Serendip resources

General resources elsewhere on the web

Some starting points for course inquiry

The current state of educational practice and policy

The brain and education, a contemporary sample of growth points

Moving on ... future uses/intersections?


Brain and behavior

Brain and behavior challenges?

Additional perspectives

Brain and behavior books

  • The art of changing the brain: enriching teaching by exploring the biology of learning, James E. Zull, 2002
  • Brain-based learning: the new paradigm of teaching, Eric Jensen, 2008
  • Explorations in learning and the brain: on the potential of cognitive neuroscience for educational science, de Jong et al, 2009
  • Understanding the brain: towards a new learning science, Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 2002
  • How the brain learns, David Sousa, 2006
  • How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school, John D. Bransford et al, 2000
  • The brain and learning, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2007
  • Young mind in a growing brain, Kagan et al., 2005

Connections yet to be made/developed?

  • John Dewey, Experience and Education
  • Jerome Bruner, The Process of Education
  • Paolo Freire, Pedagogy of Freedom
  • Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  • John Holt, How Children Learn
  • William James, Talks to Teachers and Students
  • Jerome Kagan, The Nature of the Child
  • Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind
  • J. Piaget and Barbel Inhelder, The Psychology of the Child
  • L.S. Vygotsky, Mind in Society

Additional routes to innovation in education



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