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Kee Hyun Kim's picture

since we opened the Pandora’s box of genetic discrimination..

I would like to throw a question out to everybody…


What if we are able to reach a level of science that we can safely identify the different characteristics of the genes and are also able to alter individuals like the movie GATTACA? Where should the line be drawn between science and morality?


I guess the answer is fairly easy when it comes to finding your special person like one of the posters mentioned (although some will disagree) but what if it is directly related to our safety and well being?


What if in the future, ( hypothetically) we are able to identify and even possibly transform genes that causes someone to be violent and susceptible to extremist ideas.


In such a case, should we use science as a tool to identify the ones with such genes?  


Personally I am a bit torn between the two sides. While one side of me says this is infringing upon humanity while the other side of me is saying that by neglecting to do so would be ignoring the rights of other individuals to pursuit his or her happiness. (I guess its similar to the debate of stem cell research)


What do you guys think?

 Oh and today’s conversation about how energy is not a separate entity and therefore cannot be transferred was very interesting… Until know, I thought energy could be transferred like sound wave being transferred through air molecules..  



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