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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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Play Chance in Life and the World for a new perspective on randomness and order.
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Passion and Creativity in Freire
While reading Freire's final chapters, I was extremely struck by the level of passion that he argues is necessary in teaching. He writes about love and commitment to a cause as requirements for effective dialogues, liberations, and successful teaching. "It must generate other acts of freedom; otherwise, it is not love." Freire's thoughts here correspond with how i feel about arts education (and education overall). As teachers we must commit ourselves fully to our cause. Our excitement and passion for our fields will inspire students to also find passion in them. When educators and leaders display their own love for their subjects, and encourage their students through dialogues of actions and reflections, they take a major step away from the banking method of teaching. When there exists a mutual passion (and when teachers can inspire that passion in their students), educators and learners can bridge the gap (between oppressed and oppressor) through dialogue.