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Dawn's picture

Satire and Feminism

In my opinion, Woolf's tone in Three Guineas is amusing, but it has an edge. This is a satirical piece, because it is a comment directed toward men of money in order to show how ridiculous they are for not supporting women's education and professional organizations. Here they are, worried about the war, but they are refusing to do two things tha tcould prevent war. Although satires generally lend themselves to be humorous, and this one is due to exaggeration, it is not written lightheartedly. Strong language shows how important these issues are to Woolf. As we said in class, Woolf is an angry woman, and this comes through in her writing style.

So far, reading Three Guineas has been somewhat challenging, because I have been attempting to consider a feminist perspective, although Woolf seems to have rejected the term. Many people identify with or have at least considered the idea of feminism without being able to explain it, or without really knowing what it is for themselves. I admit, I am one of them. One reason I eblieve that it is difficult to pinpoint a definition/interpretation is because it is a fluid one. The role, perception, treatment, rights, etc. of women in a society changes as a culture changes. "Meaning is context-bound and context is boundless," (Jonathan Culler). First, it is possible to read Three Guineas with the sentiment tha tWoolf had felt when writing the piece by looking at it from her cultural context. It is also possible to cinsider it in relation to what we consider feminism today. That was brought in to the exercise of giving out personal three guineas. I gave mine in support of the same ideals tha tWoolf had, because I didn't really look at it from my modern perspective. I realize now that I'm not entirely sure what that is at the moment, but I hope to find out thorugh more consideration/analysis of the subject. That is my goal: I'll figure out what I really want my guineas to support.


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