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akaltwasse's picture

restless in rockefeller

I asked the fine ladies of Rock 1st-1st and 1st-2nd these questions:

Circle one!

1.  How highly do you value a good night’s sleep?
1= not at all/very little, 5= highly valued

1   2   3   4   5

2.  How important is sleep to you in relation to your other activities (extracurriculars, academics, socializing, work, et cetera)?
1= not very important, 5= very important

1   2   3   4   5

3.  How strongly does your amount of sleep correlate with your mood? (eg. If you sleep too little, you might feel groggy and moody the next day.)
1= weak correlation, 5= strong correlation

1   2   3   4   5

4.  How many hours of sleep do you get a night (weeknights)? 
(Circle one.)

9-10 hours   7-8 hours   4-6 hours   less than 4 hours         

5.  Do you feel that you get enough sleep on weeknights?

Yes     No

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