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Studying Habits of Brecon Residents

Studying Habits of Brecon Residents 1. How long, on average, do you spend on homework or class related exercises each day? 0-2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours 6 hours plus 2. Please rate how your study habits have changed since high school. -1-changed, but for the worse 0-not changed at all 1-somewhat changed, but changed for the better 2-completely changed and changed for the better 3. Do you feel as though there is a direct corellation between the time you spend either studying or completing schoolwork each week and your performance in your classes? Yes. No. 4. Do you wish that you could study more but lack the time or initiative in which to do so? No, I am completely satisfied with my study habits. Yes, I feel as though I could increase the duration and effectiveness of my study sessions. 5. Please rank your overall performance in your classes based on the time you spend studying or preparing for them. The scale will be based out of four points. The greater the points, the higher the level of satisfaction. I feel as though I put forth a great amount of effort and I am satisfied with my performance. I give myself a 4. I am satisfied with my performance, yet I know that I do not put forth all of the effort that I could. I give myself a 3. I am not satisfied with my performance, yet I do feel as though I spend a sufficient amount of time studying and preparing for class. I give myself a 2. I am not satisfied with my performance but I know that I do not put forth the effort needed to do as well as I would like. I give myself a 1.


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