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Molly Tamulevich's picture


I used to be a pretty obsessed fan of the X-files, and something about Thursday's discussion of seeing something without the I-function knowing about it made me remember an episode that I had particularly liked. It involved a man who could see a monster that could hide itself in the light. The only time that it was visible to us was in shadow. It looked like a human most of the time, but it was only a trick it used to conceal its true self so that it could feed on people.

Now, regardless of the fact that this is an unlikely scenario in real life, I want to know what we aren't seeing. Maybe there are no monsters lurking around, but I have started to become very frustrated by knowing that there are whole spectrums in existence that my body does not have the sensors to detect. Not only that, but I am curious about what my body DOES detect and does not pass onto my I-function.

I used to attend a Sufi Fellowship in Overbrook, and during one lesson, we were told how there are entire worlds going on all around us all the time. Only certain people with certain powers of sight have the ability to detect them, but these other worlds are the source of many of our myths and legends. They are beyond the comprehension and vision of the average person. On a less allegorical level, aren't snakes, cockaroaches and whales living in a different world than we are? Animals that see with 4 color receptors must inhabit a more subtle and vibrant world. Those that hear higher pitches and see more types of light must do the same. I am curious about how these perceptions shape the reality of other creatures. Is our reality grossly simple compared to theirs, or is the input from our sense as much as we can handle?


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