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urbrainondrugs's picture

Just a pondering.

I think there is a large difference between those that have an imagination and those that are imaginative. I think those that are imaginative can think ouside the box of the things that they believe or assume to be true, while those with an imagination or wild imagination think of crazy things that they covet or think of alternate realities for things that are within the realms of their beliefs. Such as it is easy to imagine how life would be if you were a millionaire and how you would spend these millions. It is even within the ability to imagine how life would be like if you were inside a spaceship. These are within things that you believe are possible because you've seen these types of things on tv. However someone who is imaginative is someone who can use their creativity on a new level, and instead of seeing themselves in these situations, will come up with ways to actually become a millionaire or build a spacecraft. They think outside of the box and the things that already pre-exist in their world of assumed "real things". Imaginative people can even think outside of something so crucial and real in our world: gravity. Imaginative people are not hindered by their beliefs while the imagination normally is.


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