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rchauhan's picture

Overall I really liked

Overall I really liked McIntosh's essay. I think she had some really good points about the pyramid and she pointed out some things that I never really thought of. For example, in Phase 2 "it conveys to the student the impression that women don't really exist unless they are exceptional by men's standards." When I think of all the important women, they all do fit that notion she claims. For example, the new president of Harvard University, she was seen as a woman who broke the glass ceiling in education. She's on the same level with men. There aren't really any women who excel by women's standards, but then again I feel like women have always been competing with men and proving they are equal, so i guess there wouldnt really be a woman's standards. Also in phase 2, she mentions that only the very important women who have excelled/ are at the top of the pyramid are mentioned and not women who have done great things but in a more ordinary lifestyle. It's true, in history one only gets the recap of the best but then again aren't people only really interested in the best? People look up to others who are on the top and sometimes think of them as role models/mentors. 


 and i got Gloria Steinem 


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