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OrganizedKhaos's picture

Mind over Matter?

 The idea from Emily Dickinson's poem, that the mind is all that matters and that everything else is a construction of the mind or better yet MY OWN mind is an extremely mind boggling concept. When stated it makes sense and it seems quite understandable but then questions start to arise which leads me to sway more toward the DesCartes way of thinking. For example, didn't it all start with matter? Didn't life itself start from a spec of dust? And if this is not "truth" persay but rather a good summary of observations wouldn't it suggest that mind and matter are two different realms as suggested by DesCartes?

So I guess until I really get a grip on the answers to these questions that I  would have to agree with DesCartes until further notice. But then again Dickinson makes such a good point because nothing would be understood without the mind. Matter would be nothing had the concept of it not been a construction of the mind, or would it?? 


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