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Pleiades's picture


It seems as if this may be associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Patients with SAD have problems sleeping, overeat, and suffer with bouts of depression and anxiety among a slew of other emotional and behavioral problems. This depression, however, is seasonal. It’s normal onset is in September and it lasts usually until June (I believe we discussed this in class). It is intriguing to me what you said about weather affecting mood. Its sort of like a short term SAD. For some people external cues of rain and darkness seem to become internalized unconsciously and affect our behavior. However, I’m the opposite. I love the rain; it makes me happy when it’s raining. What does this mean about my internalization of these cues? Obviously they are going in the same, but there is some difference in my unconscious processing that makes me behave in opposition to the majority of people. What is it, and why am I not standardized with most everyone else?!??!


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