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Alex Hansen's picture

Upon entering this class I

Upon entering this class I had several expectations and ideas about what I was to learn that seemed to vanish after the first few weeks. I became intrigued by this new approach to looking at the brain with respect to behavior about which I had not previously thought. I now find myself continually applying these new perspectives that I have learned. Especially upon reading the book on which I wrote my book commentary, these new ideas appeared to penitrate through as I interpreted what I read. The brain and its relationship with behavior is fascinating and its complexities are greater than I imagined. I entered the class with previous knowledge about neurons and several of their responsibilities and functions regarding the brain, yet, I left the class with a much greater knowledge and a much more interesting understanding of brain functioning. I have learned to question certain things and explore new ideas with respect to the workings of our brains and corresponding behaviors. Specifically, I feel as if there is too much to say that can be summed up in a single post, but most importantly, I feel as if this class has trained my mind to think in different manners that can lead to very complex and intriguing conclusions which are to be explored.


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