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At the beginning of the semester I felt like I should believe the Dickinson theory.  I mean I very well knew that of course everything was probably controlled by the brain.  For some reason I could just not bring my self to fully believe this entirely.   I don’t really know why I was this way.  I think that I felt that if everything was controlled by the brain this would be a dark existence completely uncontrolled and completely left up to neurons and electrical signals.  However since experiencing 14 weeks of this class and 14 weeks of Prof’s other class this semester the Evolution of Stories I feel differently about this.

I am further strengthened in my believe that everything is controlled by the brain, I always knew this but now I feel like I can truly believe this and not believe that it is some depressing dark truth.  I am amazed at the variability in the brain and the nervous system: in our senses, our reactions, and our sense of reality.  This is so beautiful and complex!  The beauty of humans and the beauty of our being does not involve the brain and something else.  The brain is everything, including that something else.  (Yes because the brain is wider than the sky…)  The storyteller in our brain allows us to shape and change who we are, we are in control.  I was afraid of chalking it all up to the brain and the nervous system because I though that I would loose control.  This is not true, it’s exactly the opposite.  I am completely amazed at the complexity and flexibility of our brain.  As I explore my studies further I am excited knowing that there is more amazement to be discovered and understood as we strive to be less wrong.


To be continued…!!


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