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Sarah Powers's picture

Tell me a story

  At the start of the course I KNEW that my observations were what made up reality.   If I could hear it, see it, etc, then it was real. I was wrong.  Little did I know my brain is making all sorts of stuff up for me.  Filling in the blanks, if you will.  At this point I had a mini-panic attack. 'You mean I've never experienced reality?' Through the guidance of Grobstien and the rest of the class, I was able to calm down and go with the flow.This was just one example of how this class changed my perspective.  I'm still partial to Emily Dickinson's "the brain is wider than the sky" idea, but I now feel more flexible in how I view brain and its processes.But I think the most valuable thing I learned was from the research I did for the web papers.  If you have a question, some one out there has an answer for you.  Probably mulitple answers exist, and the web has made it easy to find many answers in without too much effort.  When you have a question, it's just a matter of looking for the answers, combining them into a story that seems less wrong to you.  Science is all about the interprutation. The story you can tell.  


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