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rmilitello's picture

College Exercise Habits

1. How often do you exercise at college (this can include going to the gym, playing a sport, or attending a dance class).

a. never b. 1-2 days/week c. 3-5 days/week d.every day

2. How often did you exercise before coming to college?

a. never b. 1-2 days/week c. 3-5 days/week d.every day

3. Ideally, how often do you think you would you have to exercise in order to feel "healthy" (your definition of healthy)?

a. never b. 1-2 days/week c. 3-5 days/week d.every day

4. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being completely disagree and 10 being completely agree, how do you feel about the following statement: "I have too much work to exercise."

5. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being strongly dislike and 10 being love, how would you say you feel about exercising?



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