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Sleep Questionnaire


The questionnaire should help to answer the following questions. 
1) If the information available on sleep actually affects the habits of college students.
2)Do schools which have a reputation for being less competitive lead to less stress and hence possibly healthier sleep patterns among students.
3) What percentage of students willing to sacrifice sleep in order to work more or participate in extracurricular activities.
4)Is efficient time management directly linked to a healthier sleep cycle?
The questionnaire is as follows:
In response to each question circle a number (where 1 represents the lowest possible value and 5 the highest), except for question 3(check the choice that is appropriate for you).
1) Research has shown that getting the recommended eight hours of sleep can actually aid memory and lead to better academic performance. Were you aware of this information? If so please rate the effect that it has had on your sleeping habits. If not then please rate level of importance that you give this information now that you are aware of it.
   1 2 3 4 5
2) Does the fact that Bryn Mawr has a very strong honor code regarding the discussion of grades allow for a more relaxed environment that is do you feel less “stressed out” about your academic performance?
   1 2 3 4 5
3) How many hours of sleep do you get on a regular school day?
    Less than 4
    More than 4 but less than 8
    I get 8 or more hours of sleep per night
4) How often is your sleep disturbed by extra-curricular activities/work?
     1 2 3 4 5
5) Do you think you could get more sleep if you found a way to better manage your time?
 1 2 3 4 5



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