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Asking "Why?"

I think one of the great things about being human is we can ask questions and we can seek answers. "What's the point?," you ask. Well that's the beauty of having possibility and being self-aware. Humans posses these qualities which allow everyone to give their life purpose or not. To have the luxury of caring about everything or worrying about nothing but yourself is only possible because humanity has self-actualization. According to Kurt Goldstein's book The Organism: A Holistic Approach to Biology Derived from Pathological Data in Man, self-actualization is "the tendency to actualize, as much as possible, [the organism's] individual capacities" in the world. The tendency to self-actualization is "the only drive by which the life of an organism is determined."Goldstein defined self-actualization as a driving life force that will ultimately lead to maximizing one's abilities and determine the path of one's life. I feel humans constantly wish to make sense of the world because their ultimate goal is to find their place within it.


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