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Terrible2s's picture

Complexly Evolving

In class we were talking about "change" and how evolution doesn't actually make entities more "fit" but rather more complex. We talked about how the process was not only one of filtering, but one which created more creativity. A particular image that was given which I liked was that time "makes door open." I like this idea that time does not make us any better, but rather just expands what was already in existence. It makes me wonder, however, when will these doors stop opening/ when will we run out of doors. In other words, when will we be the most complex, unable to evolve any further?

What about these evolutions? What if the more complex we become, the actually less and less suited to our environment we become. If it's really true that it's complexity not fitness that evolution gives us, than couldn't the complexity somehow work against nature and make us unfit? If so, is there any way that we could try to reverse or stop our evolution? I'm scared.


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