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Week 9: Writing and Imagining Gender Outlaw-ry
Today in class we'll be doing two exercises from Kate Bornstein's The Gender Workbook: "The Ten-Minute Gender Outlaw Exercise," which aims to get you "to a question you want to think about some more, one that really tickles your brain--something you can ponder on for the balance of the day" (33); and the "The First Gender Performance Workshop: On the Outside, Looking In," which is intended to familiarize you with your bodies, and some of the major limitations of the kinds of bodies we have. To free you from some of the fixed ideas you might have about their bodies by giving you another perspective on looking @ your bodies (225f.). So: let's talk about these experiences....what happened? What did you learn? And (of course) please report in on what happened and what you learned from our informal conversation w/ Kate, and/or her performance @ Villanova on November 5.