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hlehman's picture

I like it!

 I think that the current requirements and mission statement make very much sense together.  I think that the requirements support the goals and ideas of the mission statement and are very realistic for a liberal arts education.  Personally, I liked that Bryn Mawr had a few requirements when I was searching for colleges.  I did not want to go to a school with too many required courses because I wanted to experience many different courses since I had no idea (and still don't) about what I want to major in.  Although Dean Tidmarsh commented that many freshman repeat their senior year in high school as freshman and take many similar classes, none of the classes I am in or planning on taking next semester are at all similar to anything I took in high school.  I like the Bryn Mawr curriculum because I think that the requirements help people like me who have no idea what they want to do, find what they are good at and interested in.  If I didn't have requirements, I think I would feel completely lost and confused about what to take.   I think that Bryn Mawr is great because students get to experience a little bit of everything and even if they don't like something like math, there are many options of different "math-like" courses that aren't calculus and designed with English majors in mind.  I think that the new proposal of curriculum changes is good because it still means that students must fulfill some requirements in core, life skill departments, yet there is more flexibility and students have more time to take what they want.  I like the descriptions of the new required divisions because they are very realistic and based on ideas that will truly help us in the long run and are well beyond the high school senior year schedule.  


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