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mleung01's picture

Setpoint and more on corollary discharge

The concept of having an automatic control system in our body is very cool. It is said that setpoint controls body weight and happiness just to name a few. But just how permanent are our setpoint? With all the medications and outside interventions that are available to us, can we break our setpoint and in a way reset it? On the other hand, if our setpoint is preset and unchangeable then everything about us has a limit. Granted the limit for each individual is different but once we exhaust that limit what happens then?

Another thought that came to mind relating to corollary discharge is dyslexia. It might not be related but I was thinking if our body could distinguish between self-generated and external stimuli and perceptions then what happens in the case of a dyslexic person? I would not say that I am dyslexic but I do have trouble distinguishing between my right and left. Even with external stimuli, such as someone telling me to turn left or right, my body naturally turns towards the left (left-handed) unless I put some thought into it. The same situation when it comes to shaking hands. I see that the person has stuck out his/her right hand and yet I still extend my left hand. I guess what I perceived was not being translated correctly. Does that mean my corollary discharge mechanism is not distinguishing what was mentioned above effectively?



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