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I really enjoyed having Emily Artz French Kenny come and speak to us about her peice and the evolution of it. I thought it was a great take on both what we have been learning about biological evolution and each organism’s individual evolution. Even the evolution of our culture, through the advancement of technology and its usage in even the most artistic or daily efforts.

Which brings me to the books we read over break.

Although Parable of the Sower was a dark novel, I found it very interesting. I have always had a morbid fascination with the “end of the world” kind of stories, especially movies like I Am Legend. But lately they’ve been getting kind of repetitive and depressing so I’ve kept my distance. This was a great re-introduction into the subgenre.

I love Bingqing's question, "Were people born to be evil or naïve?" I love it because it’s a question evolutionary biologists, psychologists, and your Average Joe has asked. Luckily we don’t have an answer. Parabole of the Sower does a great job implying this question, through the world it has portrayed and the people living within it. Are those people outside of the walls evil, or just desperate? What is the difference between the people within the walls and outside of them? They are both just trying to survive to the best of their ability. What about the painted people, are they totally evil? They can’t be totally evil, they are someone’s loved ones, they might have been good once.

While I have tried to answer the questions that I have posed, there are no easy answers. But that’s life.


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