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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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close reading digitally?
So, does this mean you don't think that close reading can happen digitally? I guess if I had to differentiate what I read closely and what I only skim I would say there are several factors that determine which I do...First of all, the amount of time I am given to read a text closely. If I have enough time to do close reading then yes chances are I will be able to do so, however, if I am not given enough time, I will resort to skimming. The second factor that comes to mind is interest. If I am interested in what I am reading, whether it is a novel, or something I need to read and truly understand in order to get a good grade, I will read it closely. However, these two factors effect each other significantly. While I may be very interested in a text, I may not have enough time to do a close reading of it. Similarly, while I may have plenty of time to do a reading, if I am not interested in the topic, I may only skim it. Our lives are so busied by technology, that we are left with less time than in the past for school work. I realize that I spend a great chunk of time online doing non-productive things. I may get online to do work, have a given amount of time for it, and spend the first half surfing online (checking my e-mail, facebook, news etc.) this point I feel as though I am doing 'necessary' things...a chore really...something that is necessary to begin anything online...