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Education 225, Collaboration

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Empowering Teaching Assistant by Expanding Duties and Responsibilities

Joanne Townsend

A reflection on how teaching assistantship can be improved to benefit the students, the professor and also the T.A.

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Taking the Time


Becky Strattan

This essay focuses on the concept of ignorance and how one can overcome it by being aware of other people's different points of view than one's very own.

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The Importance of Team Teaching/Collaboration Among Extra-Classroom Teachers


Caitlin O’Keefe


The following treatise explores the concepts of team teaching and extra-classroom teaching.

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Finding Value in Uncertainty: What Happens When the Tutor Doesn't Know

Lauren Dickey

 The author discusses about her experience in one of the Teaching and Learning Partnerships at Bryn Mawr. A great example to show that a mentor can learn and teach even when he doesn't know the correct answer.


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TLI Through a Theoretical Lense

Laura Hummer

"This paper addresses the Teaching and Learning Initiative (TLI) and attempts to frame some of the underlying pedagogical themes imbedded in its work through theory." 
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Documentation in Community Learning

by Becky Miller

The essay talks about tutoring in the position of a peer writing consultant by employing the example of Bryn Mawr's Writing Center.


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