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Education 225, Educational Empowerment

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Agency Journal Compilation and Reflection

Hallie Garrison

Empowering Learners


This student reflects on the entires she wrote in her agency journal for the Empowering Learners course.

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Cross-Cultural Connections in the ESL Classroom: Forging Respect and Shattering Societal Barriers

Riley Diffenderfer

Empowering Learners


 The author responds to an earlier paper in this handbook, focused on transcending cross-cultural barriers in mentorship and teaching.

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Technology as a Medium for Learning

Lauren Maksym 

This student advocates for the usefulness of technology in the process of educating.


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Empowering Lessons

Lindsey Giblin

Impressions from a student about the Empowering Learners course offered in the Bi-Co Education Program.

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Social Stigmas and Fears in Art Education

Justine Garcia

A dissertation on education in art, encouraging students to self-expression, and effective critique.

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Finding Value in Uncertainty: What Happens When the Tutor Doesn't Know

Lauren Dickey

 The author discusses about her experience in one of the Teaching and Learning Partnerships at Bryn Mawr. A great example to show that a mentor can learn and teach even when he doesn't know the correct answer.


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TLI Through a Theoretical Lense

Laura Hummer

"This paper addresses the Teaching and Learning Initiative (TLI) and attempts to frame some of the underlying pedagogical themes imbedded in its work through theory." 
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The Importance of Engaging Students’ Interest in their Learning

by Akua Peprah

A mentor is more effective in teaching when he/she manages to incorporate students' interests in the lectures. 

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