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Education 225, Learning Environment

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Taking the Time


Becky Strattan

This essay focuses on the concept of ignorance and how one can overcome it by being aware of other people's different points of view than one's very own.

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Adult Learners: The Promises of Voluntary Education


Amie Claire Raymond

A paper which explores the voluntary, continuous learning of adults. At the end, the author suggests methods for extra-classroom teaching.

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Creating a Productive Space: A Guide to Extra-Classroom Teaching


Allison Jones

This paper offers a step-by-step advice on how to be effective in extra-classroom teaching.

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TLI Through a Theoretical Lense

Laura Hummer

"This paper addresses the Teaching and Learning Initiative (TLI) and attempts to frame some of the underlying pedagogical themes imbedded in its work through theory." 
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Are School Systems and Curriculum Units Failing to Promote Learning that is Greater than Just a Reach for a Passing Grade?

by Elizabeth Koelmel

A strong paper on a prevalent trend throughout schools: many students learn to get the passing grade. How can the learning process be empowered to signify more than just grades?


alesnick's picture

Inspiring Adult Learners: Validating the Intangible Benefits

by Ariel J Puleo

"This chapter will focus on two contrasting approaches to learning that, while having the same ultimate reason to learn, are problematic either in their method or inspiration behind attaining that goal."


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