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Hummingbird's picture

This Week's Work: Mar. 28th – April 4th

FrigginSushi's picture

Final Field Project: SGA Inclusivity

Something that I personally had been grappling with since I became a Dorm President in my sophomore year (officially becoming a part of the sga assembly), is how SGA promotes itself as an inclusive group on campus to focus on democratical partcipation within the college. SGA has always had a tension between allowing students to explore what self governance mean to them (for example, getting students to want to come to plenary) vs pushing the idea of self governance on to the students (for example, closing the dining halls and library during plenary).

Personally, I've found that the majority of people who become involved with SGA are consistent, meaning the same people run for different SGA positions and the same people become elected, every year. Something that we talk about in our group today was the fact that SGA meeting and the assembly (who are supposed to come to the SGA meetings) are not representative of the campus (ethnicially, socio-economically, etc.) to the point where any people from particular affinity groups or other area of campus feel they are not welcomed to SGA meeting and that they are forced to come to plenary out of guilt.

Our idea for this project would be to have some outlet to practice multicultural education with students on campus to dscuss the following (but not limited to) questions:

dross's picture

Econ 136: Week 10 Tasks

ECON 136:  Week 10 Tasks

Reminder 1:   I update my office hours by the end of Friday of the previous week.   If  none of those times work for you, then email me with all of the times you might be able to make work and I’m sure we can work something out.

Reminder 2:  The Explaining an Externality Market Failure paper is due Monday night, March 31

Monday:  Valuing Public Art

Class Links

Philadelphia requires that developers devote 1% of the value of new building projects to public art.  Brief descriptions of the program are available here and on page 1 of this handout.

Query:   Is there a market failure justification for government funding of public art?

Wednesday:  Discounting & Present Value

I intend to go over the concept of discounting future costs and benefits to derive a common basis for comparison and use our remaining time to clarify issues raised earlier in the week.    

Preparing for class:

Hummingbird's picture

Fiction and Anti-Racist Activism

For my inquiry project, I’d like to look more critically at anti-racist activism that has occurred at Bryn Mawr and similar institutions both historically and more recently. I’ve been feeling both inspired and charged by the #MoHonest movement currently happening at Mount Holyoke, as well as the support that Bryn Mawr’s zine for people of color – Leverage – has shown in solidarity with that movement. I’ve also been reflecting on the Perry House movement that occurred last year, and after reading two novels that both examined race in America and academia (On Beauty by Zadie Smith, and Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) I want to represent, examine, and critique activism movements by writing a piece of fiction about an anit-racist activist movement on a fictional liberal arts college campus. I imagine this will take the form of a short story, though I'm currently imagining the narrative form will be less of a straightforward narrative and more post-modern, involving fictional testimonials from a variety of characters related (deeply or marginally) to the movement – possibly along the lines of The Savage Detectives  by Roberto Bolaño. My research will involve looking more deeply into the current and recent activism that has occured at Bryn Mawr, as well (potentially) as looking into historical accounts of anti-racist activism.

jspohrer's picture

Registration Open for the 2014 Blended Learning Conference

Bryn Mawr College is pleased to announce that the third annual Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Conference will be held on 21-22 May 2014 at Bryn Mawr College, located in the Philadelphia suburbs.

This conference is part of the college’s Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Initiative, funded by Next Generation Learning Challenges and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. It is designed as a forum for college faculty and staff to share resources, experiences, and findings related to blended learning. Particular emphasis is placed on using blended learning to improve learning outcomes and support the close faculty-student relationships and deep, lifelong learning that are the hallmarks of a liberal arts education. Faculty and staff from all undergraduate institutions are welcome to attend. Advance registration is required; the deadline for registering is May 15.

For more information and to register:


Hummingbird's picture

Planning for Sharing

"What does it mean to only have these conversations in the classroom?"

"From an activism perspective – how do we share this out? Aren't we obligated to? What is the point of being here if we're not going to share it?"
"In order to start a conversation we need to know what people already think." 
Already structures within the Bi-Co which are having these conversations, but maybe we can reach out and make connections. 
A couple thoughts:
1. Aware in Bi-Co and Bryn Mawr of the over-intensity of academics. Want to go to syllabus to lift something out and replace it with this kind of a project. (so don't think this is going to be a new huge pile-on of work). 
2. Imagine picking up on lunch idea (Emily), picking up on this conversation for folks in the class to make plans? or invite others to have these conversations? Not suggesting lunch as requirement, but would that be a way to continue thinking about this? (within the class) Are we bringing others in to the lunch table or is it just us? "My thought was to set a couple of lunch times to plan for our class to plan to do something." Does bringing friends also accomplish the goals of continuing/fostering outside conversations?
Think between now and Thursday about what we want. Let it percolate. You're invited to post suggestions here.
stonewall's picture

Response to Napier

I had some issues with Napier's chapter Nuns, Mid wives, and Witches. While I really liked some of her points and found them to be really progressive, there was alot about the article that I thought lacked insight to the intersectionality of her students identities. I liked that she wanted her students to challenge cultural stereotypes about what it meant to be male or female by having them study both male and female roles in the middle ages and put them selves in the shoes of women at the time. I also like that she provided her students with the vocabulary of words like feminism, sexism, and oppression early on.

However the issues that I had with her chapter were that in the first paragraph she mentions how at her university the names of important women were hung in the university library and she refered to it as "women's achievements merit them a place among the great sholars". Yet all of these women were white. She also refered to her classroom as diverse but only 10% recieved financial aid. So when it comes to class I wouldn't agree that her classroom was very diverse. I know that she was focusing on a feminist approach to teaching but I think that there were lots of issues with regards to multicultural education that she ignored/did not address.

Hummingbird's picture

Sleeter and Methods for Teaching

I was excited to read the Sleeter because it was one of the first readings we had that offered concrete examples and ideas for way teachers could think about their teaching. I especially appreciated the suggestion to learn about students' communities and get to know where their positionality in order to better support learning, particularly because this is something I've thought a lot about in the context of a theory called "threshold concepts." Threshold concepts as I've come to understand them are extensive, transformative, learning experiences that utterly challenge and shift the way we approach a body of content, a discipline, or our understanding of ourselves. 

The relevance of threshold concepts to Sleeter is the idea that threshold learning moments can happen and be supported by incorporating personal knowledge/expertise into theoretical and classroom learning. I've thought about this will a Bryn Mawr faculty member with whom I worked – and we discussed the way that students we've observed who've struggled to understand key concepts (within 360s specifically) have passed over that threshold with the support of personal connection-making:

paperairplane's picture

Classroom Management

Sleeter's piece on Unstandardizing Cirriculum included some really engaging ways to incorporate students' personal experiences into the classroom as materials for cirriculum. The passage about how the teacher organized a classroom courtroom kind of relates to a challenge I'd noticed at my own Praxis: behavioral management. Angela wanted to incorporate group work and hands-on learning into her curriculum, but many times it would result in losing control of the classroom and taking away time from the lesson. Even if a teacher has a really interactive and well-planned lesson, if she cannot keep the students' attention focused, then she won't be able to facilitate the lesson in the way she wants to. Angela's courtroom simulation brought structure to the classroom by assigning each student with a specific role, and an interesting activity.

There are several students at my placement who, when upset, refuse to participate in activities and keep to themselves in silence or they might find very loud ways to direct the other students' attention towards them. It is not okay to just let the students who consistently act out keep on sitting out from activities. But it's also not okay for the teacher to spend too much time trying to get these students to participate, when the majority of the classroom is paying attention. In many cases, she just continues the lesson while avoiding the students who are trying to bring attention to themselves. I wonder what other ways incorporation of the students' experiences might make classroom management easier.

Sophia Weinstein's picture

Harriton House

I had an amazing time on our trip to Harriton House on Friday. It started out really frustrating, not having the vans to go to Wissahickon, and knowing that we were going to miss out on a beautiful weather day. As it turned out though, I truly believe that our Plan B was exactly what needed to happen. I was recalling so much of what happened a few weeks ago when our trip to Audubon transformed into a bittersweet series of events. We had fought against the weather with a determination that as humans, we have the ability to 'outsmart' Nature and go on as best as possible, limiting our losses caused by the snow. We all agreed afterward that perhaps we should have 'read the weather' and instead should have given in to our limitations set by the environment. I think whomever made the scheduling conflict with the vans (or whatever ended up being the problem) was reading the weather for us on Friday. The sun and warmth, the crispness in the air, was begging us not to spend so much as a second in a van driving through traffic, navigating our way through Philly. We were meant not to vacate our current location, traveling to find a truly 'natural environment'. (Don't get me wrong, I look forward so much to going to Wissahickon this Friday!) We were, however, meant to read the weather and maximize our time spend outside, walking together, greeting animals, welcoming spring, soaking in the beautiful day. It was amazing to stand in a field of freshly opening crocuses and realize that the ground is literally buzzing with life.

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