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Doing Decomposition
I have been fascinated by the process of decomposition for several years. Last week, deceased Tammy Faye Baker, appearing on Larrry King Live, said that they reason she wanted to be creamated*(this should be cremated) was because she didn't want the bugs to eat her! I decided several years ago, and have instructed my funeral director that I want to be buried in a pine box- so the bugs will eat me!
I have been composting everywhere I've taught in the past eleven years. In my own backyard I have a giant Compost Tumbler and five compost leaf piles. I use compost-generated leaf mulch as the soil base for my organic summer vegetable garden. If you want to come over to take a bucket or two of this rich growing medium, then give me a holler!
*Click Url for "creamer"
If you don't feel like going to the website where the picture above came from (it's a banana slug), I have copied some important date for you to my blog:
What is Composting?Composting is nature's process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Anything that was once living will decompose. Basically, backyard composting is an acceleration of the same process nature uses. By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the soil in order for the cycle of life to continue. Finished compost looks like soil–dark brown, crumbly and smells like a forest floor.
Types of composting:- Backyard composting — If you have a yard and a balance of browns (fallen leaves or straw) and greens (grass clippings and food scraps), you have all you need to make compost.
- Worm composting (vermicomposting) — If you have a tiny yard or live in an apartment or have an abundance of food scraps, this type of composting is for you.
- Grasscycling If you have grass clippings and don't want to use them in a compost pile you can leave them on the lawn to decompose. Read about grasscycling for tips, techniques and benefits.
Where to Obtain Mulch and Compost
If you are interested in obtaining mulch or compost, click here, (or go to our home page, and click "Where to Buy Green,") then select the categories "Mulch and Compost: All Kinds" and "Mulch and Compost: Manure" by shift–clicking each one, then click the search button. Some materials listed are free of charge. -->10 good reasons why you should compost:
- Yard and food waste make up 30% of the waste stream. Composting your kitchen and yard trimmings helps divert that waste from the landfill, waterways and water treatment facilities.
- You will significantly reduce pest problems–and your use of pesticides.
- Healthy plants from healthy soil look better, produce better and have a much greater ability to fight off pests and diseases.
- Adding organic materials to the soil improves moisture retention.
- Adding decomposed organic material to the soil feeds beneficial organisms.
- Compost amends both sandy and clay soils.
- Compost provides a balanced, slow–release source of nutrients that helps the soil hold nutrients long enough for plants to use them.
- Composting saves money–you avoid the cost of buying soil conditioners, bagged manure etc.
- Feeding your plants well will improve your own diet. Plants grown in depleted soils have a reduced nutrient content.
- Home composting is a valuable tool in educating children about nature and the cycle of life.
Tin Whistle
Tin Whistle