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Cocaine in the Brain
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Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
On Serendip
Cocaine in the Brain
Melissa Hoegler
"Cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure - and despair - beyond the bounds of normal human experience."During the 1980s, Partnership for a Drug Free America began airing commercials that seem to either frighten or educate people about the use of illegal drugs. One of these commercials avowed, "No one ever says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up'." The comment is obvious, but very true. Probably very few people aspire to be drug addicts. But it happens, everyday. Why? What is so good about a drug that can potentially destroy a person's body? How does it work? What are its effects on the brain? Why is it so hard to quit?
Cocaine (C17H21NO4) comes from the leaf of an Erythroxylon coca bush. It is a drug that effects the central nervous system. It causes feelings of euphoria, pleasure, increased energy and alertness. People under the influence of cocaine often do not feel the need for food or sleep. They also feel energetic and may talk a lot. However, depending on factors such as environment, dosage, and the manner in which the drug is taken, cocaine can have adverse effects such as violent, erratic behavior, dizziness, paranoia, insomnia, convulsions, and heart failure to name a few. Long- term effects of cocaine include, but are not limited to strokes, heart attacks, seizures, loss of memory, and decrease in learning capability (1).
People may not always know the exact consequences of the drug they are taking, however, chances are that they do know that the drug is unhealthy for them. Schools across the country educate about the dangers of drug use and abuse through programs like D.A.R.E., television stations show anti-drug advertisements as a public service, and even city buses blazon anti-drug propaganda. People are aware that very rarely does anything good come from drug use, and still, everyday people fall victim to drugs. Why do people succumb to the urge to try drugs? It feels good...why else?
When a person takes cocaine, it causes a rush. There is between one or two minutes of intense pleasure. This is followed by five to 8 minutes of euphoria, then as the high comes down, an overwhelming urge for more, which may last for a day. (3) When a user is between cocaine doses or halts usage, the opposite effects occur. The user is depressed and tired (2).
Cocaine is attractive to users because it triggers dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is present in many regions of the brain. In normal mice, the introduction of cocaine increases dopamine by 150 percent. Dopamine regulates movement, emotion, motivation, and the feeling of pleasure. In a normal brain, dopamine is released by a neuron into a synapse and then it moves to dopamine receptors on other neurons. It is then moved back to the neuron that transmitted the dopamine initially.
When cocaine enters the area of the brain where the dopamine is located, it blocks the reuptake pumps that remove the dopamine from the synapse of the nerve cell. Thus, more dopamine gathers at the synapse and feelings of intense pleasure result. This feeling continues until cocaine is naturally removed from the system (2). Research findings by the National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA) demonstrate that cocaine not only effects the level of dopamine in the brain, but also the level of seratonin. In a study using mice without dopamine transporters, the mice were given cocaine and they still experienced rewarding effects. This was obvious because the animals kept on attempting to get or self-administer more. These researchers speculate that more than one neurotransmitter is responsible for the pleasurable feeling cocaine yields (2). Although main hypothesis as to why cocaine is so pleasurable, is that it alters levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and seratonin, some scientists report that cocaine effects approximately 90 different parts of the brain, not just the two main regions of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens. However, it is interesting that it is these two regions of the brain that remain active after the cocaine has left the system, and the powerful, uncontrollable desire for the drug has set in. (3)
The first time people use cocaine and its effects fade, they want more. Such is the nature of the drug. The main reason cocaine use continues is the need to experience the "high" and the development of dependence. Dependence is, "the need to maintain a level of the drug in the brain to both satisfy the need and stimulate the reward center, and avoid physical withdrawal symptoms" (5). There is continual research occurring about dependence and how it can be streamlined.
It was recently discovered through newer imaging techniques that cocaine hinders blood flow. This is why is it can cause brain damage or defects. Recent research demonstrates that if a cocaine user even thinks about cocaine, the blood flow is altered . This suggests that the addictive nature of the drug is stronger than we think, because simply thinking about it produces similar results in addicts' brains' (4). This is likely to be a result of the way in which cocaine changes the structure of an abuser's brain. For example n experiments done with lab rats, scientists reported that after repeated exposure to cocaine, the rats' dendrites changed by becoming bigger and denser. This means that an increase in synaptic connectivity results from cocaine use which triggers people and animals to work harder to attain the drug (6).
Scientists are working furiously for a way to combat cocaine addiction. They specifically are examining the genetic factors that contribute to the addiction (5). However, even if scientists do identify all of the factors that cause addiction, they are still faced with the dilemma of how exactly to stop the addiction. New hope to end cocaine addiction lies in experimental drugs, such as one that is used to treat epilepsy and holistic approaches such as acupuncture.
Although it may seem like science knows a great deal about addiction and the effects of cocaine, scientific knowledge still cannot make the cocaine problem disappear. There is no sure cure for cocaine addiction. Once you try the drug, addiction strikes randomly, like a bullet in a game of Russian roulette. There is no cure for the addiction. Before trying the drug, really think, is a moment of pleasure worth a lifetime of pain?
WWW Sources
1)Facts About Cocaine, The Addiction Research Foundation out of Canada produced this site. It contains basic information about cocaine, its effects, and facts about addiction.2)Cocaine's Pleasurable Effects May Involve Multiple Chemical Sites, This site is a part of NIDA notes. It explains theories about the way cocaine effects the brain. There is a picture of how cocaine effects the neurotransmitter .
3) Intricate Effects of Cocaine on the Brain Seen In Scans , Some older (3 years), but more controversial research about cocaine use. It shows cool pictures of brain scans.
4) Researches see how cocaine Affects the Brain, Highlights an experiment involving images of butterflies and cocaine. Interesting results.
5) New Targets in the Brain's Reward CenterThis article concentrates on the genetic causes of coke addiction.
6) Repeated Exposure To Cocaine Alters Brain Structure", Talks about the long term effect of coke on the brain and nerves.
where the cool pictures mentioned. just another article with pictures. dont need to see what cocaine looks like but what the brain looks like after extended use ... Kelley, 22 November 2006
Gray area
I keep hearing the words "bad" and "good" to describe drugs. In my opinion, there is no black and white clear answer to this issue. Yes, it kills people everyday, but so does fast food and driving fast. These things give us an immediate rush of satisfaction and sense of well being. It seems quite natural for humans to feel some sort of rush or escape from reality every once in awhile. Our ancestors found this out before most of our other inventions. Native americans were getting high, the Romans were boozing it up, even Jesus was a huge fan of wine. Life is not easy.. Our minds spin and overthink... Sometimes we need to escape. Escape comes in many forms. Unfortunately, most are unhelalthy. Labeling choices as good and bad doesn't seem fair.. Unless you are directly harming another human being, I believe people should not be demonized for feeling a need to escape. Maybe it's not drugs or alcohol, maybe it's power and control... Maybe people get their high through cheating on their spouses or gossiping about others.. Sure, it's not illegal, but it hurts others. My point is, let's get rid of the labels an accept the fact that we all have a need feel a rush of excitement every now and then. There are risks in all we do.. As long as you are not hurting others, why does anyone care About the methods of others?
Like every other substance,
Like every other substance, the level of abuse is totally dependant on the individual. As with alcohol, some can do it recreationally and have one glass of wine, while others can't stop until they pass out. Focusing on the individual person is the clearest indicator of the level of abuse. If one substance is taken away, more likely it wil be replace with another. There should be no black and white generalizations regarding particular drugs. We are all wired differently. You know deep down of you have a problem with a substance. When it starts to become a top priority, rather than something enjoyable from time to time, it may be wise to do some soul searching into what really matters in your life..of it's a substance rather than Your loved ones, then it's quite possible you may need to explore your decisions.
I thank you for writting
I thank you for writting this . I may and see how I did thie same thing to someone I care about. They are sticking by my but I may have changed some thins for good. I have a Question did you at anytime attempted to or have cheated on him to feel this way or was it all his dilutions
Good for him, I only wish I
Good for him, I only wish I had the same strength. I've been addicted to the drug going on 6 years. I started out at the tender age of 16. People who don't have a addiction may never understand what it's like. I've lost everything I spent my whole college fund on the drug. Needless to say my parents were far from pleased. I've been through Hazelden treatment center 4 times. I've been blessed that my family has the resources to send me there. I lost my entire trust fund on the drug and I fear it's going to kill me. The last 2 trips I spent 6 months in treatment, and 3 in a halfway house. I had a great job, had my own condo and a nice car. Once things started going good for me something in my brain said "hey man a gram wouldn't kill you, your doing soo well why don't you reward yourself." (To help those without addiction better understand) That little thought is all it takes. It pops up when I'm at work, or when I'm shopping. You can only ignore it for so long until you convince yourself that fuck it one wouldn't hurt no one would know. Before I could stop I had lost everything, I mean everything in a matter of a few months. (I'm not trying to tell a sob story I just want to help people better understand what addiction is like) This is a cycle I've been stuck in for years, the drug has for ever and always changed me. I don't look at things the way I used too. I went to college on a athletic scholarship. (Then I only used during the off season) I was an All American from the outside looking in I had it all. But this drug killed me on the inside, once I had used up the money my parents had saved. (I used it for living costs) After a major weight loss and a teammate tipped off the coach. Got a UA and there went everything. This drug (even when not high) controls your every thought, any time you get money all you think about is how much can I score. I'm sorry for telling my sad, pathetic story it helps me with the try and stay sober. I just flushed the last of my stuff after reading what you and many others have said. I have a baby on the way and I refuse to be a drug addicted father!! If you have any questions please ask! And again I'm sorry but you have no idea what writing this meant to me.
dont give up
hey man i was reading your thing and i have some thoughts....first you say you refuse to be a drug addicted father. Well thats all well and good but it sounds like you are going to give up drugs for your child's sake. Well how bout giving up drugs for your sake. Do you remember what normal emotions feel like? Do you know how to be happy? Can you go through a day without feeling depressed? Humans were meant to be happy man, our brains are not wired to think about cocaine or be sad all the time. You messed up.. you did drugs for too long and now ur mind is not right. You cannot tell me that you are happy right now. But you want to be happy..everyone does..and thats the addiction. Since age sixteen you've been using cocaine. That means since you were sixteen your sense of happiness came from cocaine..your brain FORGOT how to be happy on its own. So thats where ur addiction lies. Your brain will not be happy now without cocaine. The reality is..whenever you decide to stop cocaine or any have to expect the worst feeling of depression ever..its a fact. YOUR BRAIN WILL MAKE ANY JUSTIFICATION POSSIBLE TO USE AGAIN. you say now..i want to stop so i can be abetter father.. but before you know it..your brain will tell you, "i'm so depressed and unhappy i can't raise a child like this.. i need to be happy when i raise this child so he/she will be happy..i just use a little to be in a better mood for my child." do you see what i mean?? You have to realize that you will at some point convince yourself that cocaine is okay to use. Thats why its so bad for you. its been a year and a half since you posted this..i don't know if you'll ever read this.. but in case you do i care about you dude. I was a football player and a wrestler..u said you were an athelete too..i know that in an atheletes mind we dont ask for help we always push ourselves to accomplish our goals..listen to me cannot beat this on your own. this drug rewires your brain so that you become your own worst enemey..i know when you posted this you were very emotional and eager to quit..but how long did it last before cocaine thoughts took over. You have chance to be happy...but it will take a while..and if you use cocaine just once ur delaying ur chances to be happy for years. People do get out of this just remember that anytime you want to use cocaine its not for any other reason than the fact that you've used it for so long..and remember that everytime you resist these urges your one step closer to happiness. I am sober and i never did cocaine.. you may have no idea what i go through..or you have no idea what its like to be high on coke.. and your right..but maybe take a lesson from someone whose brain is not clouded like yours. Sober people should be ur have to relearn life and its not gonna be easy. But like i said u will get urges and you will make any and i mean any excuse to use..but everytime you find the willpower to resist..your one step closer to happiness..and isnt that what we all want :)
a little advice?
Brief History: I'm 26. I have 2 kids. I used to be a heavy drinker and cocaine user. I put my kids with another family so I could use. Not only did I lose everything, I threw it all away. It was the worst period of time in my entire life and I fear that posting this will only reak montrous comments from people judging my actions and thinking poorly of me. I was not myself. I had been betrayed by my childrens father and felt very low on myself and did not want to be a mother. After being in treatment a few times, having a serious change of perspective, i have been clean of everything for 8 months and had my kids back over 2 years, my real problem was that i just wanted to get messed up, didn't really care how, as long as I didn't have to feel the rejection and guilt that haunted me everyday. My life is very different now. I'm in university, i have my kids, a van, a place, a great boyfriend who doesn't drink much. But when we go out for a nice dinner at the keg or something, it would be so nice while we're waiting for our table to just go have a glass of wine, losen up with him sitting at a booth and just be normal. or when we go camping to sit by the fire and have a few. I don't feel like the reason i would like to have a few drinks is the same as it used to be. i used to wanna forget, get messed up. now i would just like to partake in some of the little things in life that other people do. does this sound dangerous to you? i've been to so many AA and CA meetings and i know already what they think. does it seem so unreasonable and so far fetched for someone to actually bounce back after being so far in? heelllppppppppp!!
A little advice
Your story took courage to tell and I sincerely wish you the best of luck, if anyone attacks you on here they are ignorant and not worth listening to. I'm fortunately enough not or have never been a cocaine user but I'm concerned that my friends son who has recently started using it occasionally, and I wanted to undertand what it can do and try to deter him from using it in the future. You and others on here are brave to tell your stories and to warn others, a most kind thing to.
Cocaine and families don't mix.
After 30 years of using Cocaine and trading everything in my life for it, I can honestly say that it is like no other drug. Cocaine only offers you a trade, 10 minutes of pain free living for your soul. You can use cocaine and never become addicted to it and you can use it once and be addicted forever. It's a gamble, a roll of the dice. It is a wonderful drug if you don't become addicted, it's a horrifying drug if you become addicted. Cocaine can allow you to connect to parts of your brain that you never knew existed, but it can also allow you to commit acts you never thought you were capable of. It is my strong recommendation that you do NOT experiment with it if you have a family. Hurting yourself is one thing, hurting innocent love ones is another. Cocaine can be your best friend, but it can become your worst enemy. Use cocaine at your own risk and remember there is NO lifeguard on duty. Don't be afraid of it, just be aware that it has a power to alter your thinking like nothing else. Cocaine is a different drug depending on how you ingest it, Snorting it is a waste, smoking it sucks, IV takes you to OZ....Be careful it's a long walk back from OZ!
doing cocaine is
doing cocaine is fucked up...PERIOD....there is nothing anyone can do to justify it....look at the constant users of coke...theyll do anything..ANYTHING to get coke.....thats how u kno this drug is fucked up....and the fact that its addictive makes it soo so badd...
if i kno anyone in my neighborhood does coke...i swere to god i will fucken kill them...dont want any of u sick mutherfuckers around my family or friends....
your may not want an addict
your may not want an addict in your neighborhood but you never know how many people you may come in contact with that have the problem with addiction .people from all walks of life such as a surgen who may save your life or the judge or lawyer in the court system and how about the firefighter that saves a love one .yes they may take drug test and are clean now but they may have had experience in eating out of a trash can.these are some of the people i know and this all is fact .i to am an addict in realestate .when we were bad we were bad .good people with a bad problem now living a great life no longer livng in hell.not trying to change your opinion its just somthing you may want to think about.
seriously dude
know what im a recovered coke user and you have no right saying any of this yes it is a fucked up drug but not every user is a fucked up person. its a very hard drug to quite and people like you dont make it any easier so fuck you!!!!!!!!!!! till you have been on this side of the fence dont talk shit got it. and some coke users are perfectly functioning and wont sell anything for it i know i didnt. so before you talk make sure you know what your talking about.
ahhh ive been doing cocaine for 4 years now off and on weekend benchez and ive its ruined my life its made me do even worse drugs and made my relation ship with my girl friend and family "fucked" people dont trust me ive lost alot of friends and my all my dreams went down the boxing career desipeired with out a trace im now 20 years old with no education no trust and no power within myself to help my self and i use drinkin as an excuse to sniff coke i would say i only get erges when i drink but i would get erges and then drink just to doit and then just say i doit wheni drink ive had many break downs comming off of it and have called family member crying and freaking out becuase i dont know where my life has gone i try as much as possible not to doit but it dosent work well....i hate my life and know that i dont wanna die doin some stupid fuckin drug and missen out on the shit that coulda been but wasint and hurt my family so please if youve never tryed it dont try because if you do your a loser idiot like me and thats why im doin everything to stop this shit DONT TOUCH IT! thanks for reading and please listen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey dude its okay at least
hey dude its okay at least you can relize how stupid it is thats amazing!
Im 19 and tried coke for the
Im 19 and tried coke for the first and LAST time 3 weeks ago. I have never tried any other drugs except for weed once or twice in high school. Trying coke has been the biggest regret of my life,not because i had a terrible experience with it, but just the shame in doing something i honestly thought i'd never do and putting my life in danger like that. For anyone thinking of trying it i really dont reccomend it,its just not worth it, the high is not that great, and the possible consequences outweigh a few minutes of enjoyment by far! In fact the best outcome of taking the drug would be that u dont enjoy it. I hate myself for trying it,i feel like i've let my family and friends down,but most of all myself. I wish i could take it back but i cant. I agree that addiction is more to do with the person themself than the actual drug, and someone who is really stable may be able to do drugs recreationally without being affected, but who really is stable these days,and drugs can do some serious damage physically and mentally 2 even the most stable people.
cocaine is not right
wow that is deep!!what made you want to try it and why did you??thats messed up but at least you realize what an idiot you are for trying it and wont ever do it again!!!
i tried coke when i 17 and the feeling it gave me i could not decribe by tellin it made me act weird and made me want more and more i remember coming off it cause i was feeling depressed cause i couldnt buy anymore as to this day i still think about it!! but i havent had some for 2 years as i will 20 this fall
Different Worlds
simply.... different things happen to different people. I know some people that coke has destroyed there life and other people coke has done nothing at all. but we live in a world where were told that drugs are bad becuase they destroy our lives but yet again they never tell us that for a lot people this drug doesn't do anything at all. People should stop listening to other people and just go out and try it for yourself. you wont get hooked on it your first time and my opinion on this drug is its not worth it not only becuase what it does to your body and mind but to me coke is such a boring drug. After all i don't just do coke i experiment with all that is around me. people up there leaving comments about how amazing it is believe me this drug doesn't do anything extraordinary if you want something fun to do and it also enhances your brain potential and if your an "addict" and cant break the addiction try some Psilocybin Mushrooms or some LSD you will see other realities that coke could never bring you to and you will learn more about yourself than with any other drug. if you use my advice on using the other drugs i suggested use it with friends and out side in nature don't use in doors it can be really scary and make you not want to try it ever again and take advantage of the thinking that takes place when your on it. I know what you people are thinking that im just promoting drugs but i used to suffer from depression and i tried committing suicide and i felt like shit all the time wondering when this pain was going to go away the pain and misery didn't go away until i tried LSD. after trying it i found out how beautiful the world really is and how life is so short and precious. but thats just how its helped me out but people live life find love and cherish the moments you still have left Peace.
I have a really really good job and when i first got it, it was like living in a different world to what i was use to, i was bringing in approx 1000 uk pounds, per week for around 4 hours work per day, id start at 9am and be home by 12 midday mon - thurs 16-18 hours per week only, I had more money then sense id used coke in the past but only when i was going out ie friday & saturday nights, one day i was happy but also bored so guess what? i phoned my local dealer and "got on the snout" as us scousers say, Scouser = a person from liverpool england, it went well so next night next night next night next night and so on for around 3 mths i was usings around 7 gram per day in u.k money thats 210 pounds as its the cheapest for drugs in my city, in london the same amount would cost 500 pounds upwards, so anyway i was ok getting up and going to work thats not what this is about cos i still have the same job! so i started seeing a few changes in my face i lost weight but that wasnt the bad thing because every one was saying you look good i use the sunbeds also so i didnt really look rough ever so to speak, then one night im sitting there minding my own buisness "off my cake" as we say and it felt as tho someone was watching me and id never had that off anything before so i felt uneasy next thing im thinkin all kinds, theirs people behind the couch, the curtains, upstairs and they were all monitoring my every move i shit my self but foolishly didnt relate it to coke as id been snorting for months daily, so i went to bed and lied there thinking people wer under my bed in the wardrobe the lot it was fucking horrible so i finally fell asleep then woke up and i was fine so i just laughed it off in fact it made me laugh while i was in work i was thinking "what the fuck am i on about" so i goes home then around 7pm i decided it was coke time gets 36 bags each weighing 0.5 gram special offer from my dealer haha goes in lines a fat one up an snorts it haaa i thorght 5 lines later the fuckin people wer back hiding behind the couch and that omg wtf so i knocked the coke on the head sold the rest of what id got in litrally 5 mins i phoned my friend and give him sale of the century he ran round and took it from me and about 8 long hours later i came back to reality and went to bed i wasnt addicted to it, otherwise i would of kept snorting wouldnt i ? but now if i have 2 lines i go back into that weird paranoid mood even tho i have snorted around 5 times in the last 6 years since the times i mentioned it still happens i had a line 3 weeks ago but before then it was 2 years ago and it still makes me weird so i think its blew something in my brain and i now associate being paranoid with cocaine so when i snort it i just become para anyone got any info or is that what will happen to me everytime i snort in the future even with 1-2 year gaps between sessions?
not good mate
the shit has gotten to ya, u know that when they give that shit to mice ,via a little despenser that has a leaver that the mouse pushes for more coke, the mice always keep pushing the leaver till they die......dont be like that little mouse.... effects of taking cocaine for a long time include "stimulant psychosis", a permanent disorder that closely resembles schizophrenia. when u sniff it, its sounding like its triggering these evernts i would seriously stop using 100% just on the fact that one time u very well might be stuck in that perinoid state for awile....then u will probably have a breakdown in those days to follow.... I REALLY WOULD NOT SUGGEST EVER TAKING LARGE DOES'S AGAIN, UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS THE PEOPLE HIDING UNDER YOUR BED WITH UR NEW ROOMAMTE AT A MENTAL HOSPITAL<<<<
I can see that the author,
I can see that the author, despite being intelligent and a good writer as well as having good information about cocaine, is wrong to call all people who do cocaine "abusers". Some are simply users.
You obviously have no clue
You obviously have no clue about what you are speaking. I would guess that:
1.) You do not purchase it yourself.
2.) You haven't done enough (purchased or for free) to reach the pentacle of what it does to you.
I did it for four years, and it ravaged my bank account, my love relationship, and my stability. I would pray to God every night to help me stop as I lay awake in bed remembering and hating myself for everything I had not accomplished or could even think of because I would rather be doing coke. GET REAL EARLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WASTE YOUR HEART, SOUL, AND LIFE. You may be a user now, however if you continue, it won't be long, I PROMISE. I'm going to say this as truthfully and meanly, yet politely, as possible - if that's what you need - YOU SOUND LIKE A NIAVE CHILD.
Simply users
Did you know that a lab rat, when given unlimited supply of cocaine in the lab dispenser will 'hit' it time and time again, only stopping long enough to let the bitterness of its taste to subside, until its death?
I would suggest to you, simple user, that you continue to simply use until it catches up to you. Then, perhaps you wouldn't be so smug and glib in your attitude. Why are you nosing around here anyway?
I know why I am. I'm in treatment for simply using too much for too long.
Don't take the responsibility, blame a small bag of white powder
I keep hearing "Cocaine screwed my life! Cocaine made my life a living hell!". Well, newsflash for you, there's a thing called personal responsibility!
You were the one who screwed your life! You were the one who made your life a living hell.
Stop blaming someone or something else for your choices.
Did You ever try drugs before
Did You ever try drugs before writing such a weak point of view and attacking those who have had/have problems? Not saying they are victims tho.
Newsflash for you ´It´s people like you who bring those who have experimented even lower´. The drug is to blame!You Sound like a muppet I wouldn´t have time for.
weak people
Ok, Listen. First off, everyone needs to stop telling their sob stories about how coke screwed up their lives. Really? Cocaine destroys some peoples lives? hmmmmm......I've never heard that before? No kidding some people get really messed up on stimulants. This is always been true. But listen carefully....for every single individual case, the inherent problem has always been with the user, not the drug. Every ADDICTED user has always had some latent, sometimes unrecognizable issues with themselves which can be the result of a number of possibilities, but we wont get into potential causes for why people have voids in their lives. That's irrelevant to this specific topic. Cocaine is simply an enabling tool which aids in filling these voids by blocking dopamine receptors in the brain, flooding the synaptic void with the chemical and providing a person with with a conscience and subconsciousness reflection of what they may be missing. So for all the people confessing these typical overblown "this is how drugs ruined my life" stories. Realize that you are not only speaking of the affects of the drug, but much more specifically, your own personal weak nature.
Don't be tempted!
as fare as coc goes for me i hope u all listen an read this carfully an think about the next time u want to use it. Coc really screwed up my life no one knows what its cut with anymore. i was dealing a lot in high school,making great money, havin fun with friends at partys, i started hard core when i graduated. On Febuary 29, 2008 i was blown an peranoyide to the extreme. I just finished the sack that i had but still had another waiting for me when i got home. I was about a mile an half from home just got of the phone with gf befor i new it i blacked out OD'd my truck jit a light pole spunn around and i hit a tree uncontious i broke a a few ribs, both ankles, my heel in two places, my wrist, dislocated my shoulder and elbow broke a few fingures and serious head injurys. If u all new what driving under the influence can do to u, u would STOP! I was in a wheel chair an told i wouldn't be able to walk for atleast 8 mnths. an have a guard watching ur every move. i learned the hard way
-this is just coming from my own experience: I've tried cocaine only a couple times..while smoking bud too and it actually was a really good feeling. I will say at times I felt like my heart was beating fast so I would smoke a ciggarette and that would help calm me down. The first time I ever blew a line I wanted another one almost 5 minutes later, because I felt a different feeling; but it wasn't that intesne..and i really wanted to feel it. After I blew the second line I was feeelin real good. I think cocaine will effect you depending on how much of an addicting personality you have, so I wouldn't reccomend it for everyone. It's fun once in awhile, but don't make it a habit because then you'll blow all your cash on blow. I've literally seen people buy a couple grams of coke and then blow it all then call and get a couple more. It's rediculous. & I've also seen families ripped apart from that shit. So all I'm sayin is think about what your doin before you do it. Aight I'm out.
I tried coke about two years
I tried coke about two years ago, and I think it is wonderful... I was on a combo of wet, weed and bars... I stayed high for 2 days and only ate once only b/c I still had enough since to nourish myself, even though I was not hungry..When I came down I don't remember feeling depressed or anything of the sort.. I believe only the weak become fiends. I have only did coke once after that episode and would like to do it again... .I see no problem usings drugs for recreation, life is mean't to be enjoyed...!!!
How can a sane human being
How can a sane human being ever try to justify drugs? how many times have you taken it by now?
hello everybody. let's see if i can lighten up the mood by saying i'm going to be using cocaine for the 2nd time tonight. i remember i did cocaine for the first time during my lunch break senior year in high school. we had off campus lunch and my friends and i would smoke some pot before we came back to class. of course one group of people and friends were into doing a little cocaine. so i was high for the rest of the day and by the time school ended i really felt like crap. the three feelings i remember experiencing were irritability (if anyone came up to talk to me i wanted to tell them to shut the fkkk up), fatigue (i really wanted to lie down and just go to sleep), and depression (i felt like an idiot for making a stupid choice). and of course, i kept thinking about the fact that i had done it and wanted to try it again and those thoughts and feelings were persistent for like atleast 2 weeks. they wouldn't fully go away for probably 6 weeks. on top of that, i still decided in my head that i would never go out to buy some on my own from anyone, but that if one day someone i did know had some and would let me do 1 line i would most likely agree to do it again! i dont know why it's that powerful, but it just is. and so now its been 2 years after i graduated and after all that time without thinking about it or doing it, i feel like ill give a try once more to experience it like i haven't done it before, but you see my plan is...the way my personality is set to just try it again for my 2nd time and wait a while before i do it again for a 3rd time. and i mean a long while. atleast 1 month before i decide to even come back close to it. im not a drug abuser, just a recreational user of course, and my drug of choice (or should i say medicine) is psilocybin mushrooms. i love to hallucinate and experience transcendental reality. and to all the people who are "FOR" cocaine or "AGAINST" it...your opinion means nothing. if you think living life without ever trying cocaine is better than living life completely hooked, you're simply speaking from your own personal experiences, perception, and beliefs. but it doesn't make it true. i am telling my story from my own personal experience and that is what shapes my perception of reality and truth, but it can never make it true for anyone else. well, i'm off. thanks and goodnight.
Your reality versus scientific truths
All I can say is,"Wow!" You have obviously already experienced substantial brain damage. As a psychologist working in a prison I see daily the damage these drugs do to people. Did you know that a heart surgeon can tell whether someone has used Coke one time due to the damage done to the heart. These are not perceptions or beliefs. These are the cold hard facts. Hope I don't see you in prison!
I have a relative who is an addict....drives intoxicated....on the drug ..oses conciosness shoots it..snorts it smokes it etc fact hes a slave to the drug..for thirty years hes been a constant worry and burden..when hes sober hes overbearing but helps other peole too.....a good heart but a troubled mind....hes also diagnosos of bipolar...which means in order to feel good he does coke..hes half insane and half joy riding..I care for him..hes truly tried to overcome his addictin only to find himself a lave to the drug doing the most ridiculous and self destructive things to himself.I could also go on about the stress has cuased family the stealing lying and conning.Its not comprehensible the insanity of it all.This drug[and those who sell it]have [as with alcohol]allowed misery into peoples lives while some of them get rich selling it.I belive all drugs have a use but human beings do not have the capacity it seems to use them wisely.Ive never done coke or any classified illegal drug I admit..Im sure they are pleasurable etc too and all that but its a gamble is it not?There are many roads we can choose to go down in life that are selfdestructive these drugs are one of those roads.
I would like to say,I have recently done cocain,3 times in the last 2 months,I have since felt really depressed and i find myself thinking about the drug a lot.I cant stop wanting more and i find that i need something to keep my mind free from thinking about it.I know that in the future i will most likely do it again because I am trying my best to stop thinking about it,and i will spend my next wage on trying ways to stop it but it is to hard.I urge anyone who thinks about doing this,"you will only have a nice buzz for a really short while but it aint worth going insane".
Not everyone who does
Not everyone who does cocaine is missing out on the real world and is going to wake up with their life spinning out of control. I'm sure your experience was terrible, and cocaine had a big part in it. I do agree that people who are addicts, tend to lose sight of what should be important in their lives and use the drug as an escape and a crutch. Cocaine can be a drug with serious repercusions if abused.....but then again what drug doesn't? Drug abuse is a symtom of the real problem, not the problem in itself. The terms abused and addicts do not tie directly into a drug, they tie directly into the person. How many people in the world have tried cocaine or any other drug and have never done it again, or do it in a social settings in moderation. My friends husband died because he drank anti-freeze, is it the anti-freeze's fault? Have you had a glass of wine with dinner before? Does that make you an alcoholic? Alcohol kills WAY more people each year than cocaine, and don't say it's because cocaine is illegal. I can go into any city in the US at anytime and find some, it's available to those who want it. I'd love to see people start looking for the REAL cause of addiction, what is missing in that persons life that they are willing to throw it all away for a drug. Cocaine has powerful addictive characteristics, and can be a great test of how true you are to your convictions. Addicts are liars, coke just exposes them. Find the problem and you'll help the person, it's not the drug.
I wouldn't classify addicts
I wouldn't classify addicts as liars. Lack of will power is not the same as dishonesty. Everyone has a different brain chemistry. Some people are more inclined to drug-seeking behaviors than others, simply because they are more affected by the drug, have more dopamine receptors in the right region of the brain, etc. Just as many aspects of an individual's dispostion are determined by physical phenomena in the brain (formation of synapses, etc.), lack of self-control may be pre-determined, also. With that being said, many individuals are able to use cocaine occasionally, however, one person's experience in using a recreational drug should never be applied to everyone.
Coke is good
I Think some of the comments I've read are interesting, I've been a user of cocaine for 10 years, I think the drug is fine and dandy.
Yes it causes a little tiredness and general dis-interest in everything
However, given that old age and death are immanent and the constant search for 'the answer' or 'happiness' prevail and torment the healthiest of people, but more often result in dissapointment and delusion, then perhaps we should speed up the inevitable.
maybe on day ull come back
maybe on day ull come back to reality and find out what u did to others and are missing.
MY answer to your comment
I can see that not only are you in denial but you are a person with low self esteem who does not realize that, yes perhaps you are right that old age and death are inevitable but that it is better to live in reality and not miss out on the real world! Then to live in a state of high or depression, nerves, paranoia, wrecked nerves and not even get a chance to snap before it's to late and when you wake up on the other side because you will!!! Then you will relize that the second time you wake up is the end of your trip. The resault of your life here will not be any good, try to figure out what I mean... that's if you can still cope with reality?I love someone who is an addict and I tried helping but he would not take my help... I still love this person but I now know that you only he can help himself and pray for him because I also learned that people who addicts don't love any one or themselves.
I starting sniffing coke when I was 18 I'm 26 and its weird I only do it when I drink . I can't drink by itself or do.coke by itself I don't want to have a heart attack my doctor put me on xanex .I want to stop what's the best way is it to late can I die in the long. Run I'm a big guy