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Multiple Personality Disorder

SerendipUpdate's picture

Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip

Multiple Personality Disorder

Diana La Femina

When you were growing up, did you have an imaginary friend? Did Mom and Dad have to set a place for Timmy at the table and serve him invisible food, or did all your aunts and uncles have to pet your imaginary puppy when the came over to the house? That's just pretend, though, kids having fun. So is a child pretending that they are someone else, forcing their parents to call them Spike, convinced they have a Harley even though they're only five. But what if this were an adult, someone who should "know better" convinced that they are someone else. If this were to happen, society would label them as crazy or delusional. Or, maybe, this adult suffers from a Multiple Personality Disorder.

Multiple Personality Disorder (or MPD) is a psychological disorder where a person possesses more than one developed personality. These personalities have their own way of thinking, feeling, and acting that may be completely different from what another personality is like (1). To be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder, at least two of the multiple personalities must dominate over the others on a slightly frequent basis (2). This results in an abrupt change in the way a person acts. Basically, they become another person in either an extreme or complete way (3).

MPD was first recognized in the late nineteenth century by Pierre Janet, a French physician. The disorder was later brought more to public awareness by The Three Faces of Eve (1957), a movie based on the true story of a pristine housewife who was diagnosed with MPD when she couldn't explain why she would suddenly become a very sexual person and not remember it. The eighties and the nineties brought on what was seen as an over diagnosis of MPD (1).

MPD is known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in the psychiatric world (1). The reason for this change of label is that the term "multiple personalities" can be misleading (4). A person with MPD/DID is one person with separate parts autonomously comprising their mind . They are NOT many people sharing one body (5). Although it seems as though these "personalities" seem to be very different, it is important to understand that they are separate parts of the SAME person (4). It is not correct to say that someone with MPD/DID has "split personalities" as this denotes schizophrenia. A person with schizophrenia does not have connected thoughts and feelings, they are "split" (1). A person with dissociation, however, has memories, actions, identities, etc., that are unconnected. Different thoughts and feelings may be connected, but different thoughts and different memories may be connected to some and not the others. Everyone experiences this once in a while. Daydreaming, getting lost in a book or a movie, zoning out, etc. These are all moments of dissociation (4). Just because someone has MPD/DID does not mean they can not function in everyday life (2). Indeed, they usually have this disorder so that they CAN function.

There have been as many as 20 personalities [perhaps even 37] that have been reported (3). About 1% of the population has some form of MPD/DID. In fact, of patients in psychiatric hospitals, possibly up to 20% have MPD/DID but are misdiagnosed. With these statistics, MPD/DID can be put into the same category as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia as one of the major mental health problems at present (4).

Although the causes of MPD/DID are not completely understood it seems as if childhood neglect and abuse of some sort are the major causes (4). The abuse usually occurs early in life, before the age of nine, and is commonly repeated and prolonged (2). Due to this abuse, children may detach parts mind and create new personalities to separate themselves from their pain (3). After long term abuse, these new "personalities," this dissociation, may become second nature. These children may use this technique to separate themselves whenever they feel anxious or threatened. Due to it's ability to keep a sane, functioning part of a persons mind in tact when all else seems hopeless MPD/DID can be seen as a very effective escape technique (4). It is a very healthy, sane, and safe way for these people to survive an unhealthy situation (2).

MPD/DID can be treated. The first treatment usually used is psychotherapy, to try to help the person integrate the personalities more (1). After that medications, hypnotherapy, and adjunctive therapies are also used. In fact, if treatment is started and completed, MPD/DID may have the best prognosis of any disorder (6).

Everyone has different facets to their own personalities. Without this fact we would not be the complex beings that we are. A person with MPD/DID, however, may have very distinct facets that work independently of one another, sometimes not even knowing that the others exist. These various facets work together to keep the person whole. MPD/DID is a highly evolved psychological survival technique that is not to be looked down upon. Without it, the people who "suffer" from it may not be able to function in everyday life as well as they do, if at all.



1)Infoplease Education Network, an interesting educational network with many resources

2)MPD/DID information site, Site put together by a lady with MPD/DID

3)Medical Index, interesting site with a great amount of information on many medical conditions

4)MPD/DID resource page, site with a lot of information on MPD/DID

5)The International Society for the Study of Dissociation, another site with a lot of information on MPD/DID

6)Sidran Institute of Traumatic Stress Education & Advocacy, site with abundant information and resources to traumatic disorders and treatment



Comments made prior to 2007

I am a 29 year old woman. I am bi-polar Manic Depressive. I have 2 personalities that i know so far. on the night of 19 of May, I encountered a personality that is know as "Unknown". It was out for a breif 10 minutes, but after it had come out i had 3 scratches on my left wrist. They started out what looked like welts and turned into scratch marks. i don't understand left completly confused and mentally scared ... Jennifer Mills, 23 May 2007


Aria's picture

Confused too

Hai, I am confused too. I really don't know if I have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)/ MPD, but I mostly think that I'm crazy. I never had any trauma, but I have been kidnapped and beaten up when I was younger (But not now. Everything is fine). Although, I don't remember being kidnapped when I was younger. My parents told me, that's how I know. But I was quite young, so maybe that's why? Or did I just make another alter/personality so I do not remember..?

Anyway, I mostly consider myself as Aria. Nobody knows this, but people call me Angelina and I get mad when they do. Although, whenever I'm alone (basically when my parents are out), I usually talk to myself. And when my parents are back, I stop and pretend as if nothing happened.

Aria is basically the meaner version of me. She is the one that comes out whenever I am alone crying or whenever I have a problem. She is the one that pulls me down, which is why I cut myself and almost attempted suicide countless of times. I don't have any background on Aria, but all I know is that she is the reason why I am emo today. Maybe because she's an emo as well..? Or maybe because of the problems that I was having..?

I really don't know what's happening to me. So, whenever Aria and I are having a conversation (usually about me being weak and her being strong and wanting to take over), 3 or 4 alters come and protect me. I don't know their names but all I know is that one of them is a hippy and another a pessimist. The others are unidentified.

Could someone please reply to me and tell me what's going on in my mind. Am I being delusional or do I really have MPD/DID?

art's picture

u need help....

I think u should see a psychiatrists. And get mental help for a few months through some place ppl go to get real help. And go to church. Have the pastor pray over u. Bc this is not normal for any person at all. Plus if u don't get help soon u may do something terrible to yourself b4 u get help. And no one wants that. Call your Dr. He will refer u to a psychiatrist.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I know i.have mpd his name is angelo first I had no control and some times when im stressed or life gets hectic he comes out. Drinking is often his time to emerge I guess you can say. I will not go in to stories about him or things ive woken up to. I lil say one thing a change in diet and expecting your past no matter how scarred and tormented it made you who you are today. Love your self and try to move on love where you are in life now and who you have become thanks to your hell of a childhood or past. And you wont have as many episodes. Im a strict vegan now and have taken all mind alltering substances out of my life. Remember there is and always will be some one who has it worse in life then you.

DR:JEKYLL &MR.HYDE's picture

doubled life?!?

hi um.... i have "MPD" along with Autism, A.D.D,A.D.H.D ,SOCIALPHOBIA, im an +A student but sometimes i blackout and im hanging out with my enemies,calling myself "james". its all very confusing. i need help

Serendip Visitor's picture


I don't know whether I have this psychological disorder or not. But, many times in my life, I just feel that there's another 'me' saying bad things about other people. I know it's bad and everything, but there's always this unknown person who's always making me feel bad about myself. I often think that I'm a bad person because that person, another me, will always say bad things about other people. It makes me really confused and stressful because those people are just so important to me and I feel extremely awful and bad cuz of that unknown person inside my head. Please help

charles's picture

i believe i have mpd the

i believe i have mpd the problem is i dont remember what my alter does and the bad part is
that my alter is a girl i dont know what to do about it. ive read alot about this on this site and a few others
and whats being posted about trauma at an early age i didn't have ive been this way all my life
alter has a name im aware of her existance but i refuse to call my alter by her name
and she gets really mad
sometimes i come to where i wasn't at last i remembered and have a headache also
and most of the time when i come to i'm wearing some really flashy clothes and my hair is done like a girls
i want it to stop its ruining my life i have a wonderful woman and son that ilove very much but cant
for the life of me figure out how i managed to be two people in one and be both genders at the same time
what can i do to make her go away

Serendip Visitor's picture

Two people in one

I'm just thinking if you could read up about jinn. If your alter is a girl, it could be a jinn girl.

Scott's picture


I think I have another personality because some days I remember but at times when i get really stressed out i just black out and i don't remember what happened. I've had a rough life while growing up i would explain details on here but i don't want to seem like i'm being an attention whore. what happens when i get depressed or really upset is that some times i black out and i don't remember things until later on in life, but when i do black out (some of my friends told me they've talked to him) that "thomas" comes out. he apparently doesn't show that much emotion if any at all. another person that comes out from what i've observed is "Michael". he's a worry wort and i know he comes out because i see him there when i feel sick or feel really depressed and comforts me and he's been there since i was a small boy.

Rose Lin's picture

Am I delusional or do I actually have MPD, or something else?

Okay.... Well I have friends at school that believe they have MPD and stuffs, and they say that i have it too. Well, i really am not sure if they're right or not.

My childhood wasn't all that great, but it was better than life nowadays. I may have been possessed by malicious spirits in the past, and i had to have people remove them, but i really am not sure if it was real or not. I was bullied during middle school, which has led to my very low self-esteem and lack of confidence. I am even picked on to this day by some. I'm an 18 year old girl who was used as nothing but a live sex doll by a scrub of a boyfriend who did it to me from ages 15-17. Two years too long.... It wasn't bad at first, until i realized how foolish i was, that he was just using me for his own pleasure, and that he had others that he used as well for the same purpose... And my friends made me think i had personalities for about a year, but apparently they told me they were fake, and that it was all just a lie. Then i made up another personality to kinda relieve myself from the trauma of that, but then i soon realized it was no use, so i discontinued that personality.

...That's enough of my backstory, i guess. Well, here's the deal. According to a few, i seem to attract a lot of spirits. I've been hugged by the spirit of my aunt's dead daughter. I was scared to death by a face in the window in my aunt's house, which was accompanied by the sound of a power line snapping, but there was no power outage. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Now i have an issue, and i wonder if this is the real deal or if it's just me going crazy or something. I have recently become very afraid of the kitchen window at night, especially when I'm the only one awake. A couple weeks ago I felt a tall, lean male spirit lean on me and comfort me. A week after that i felt a very threatening presence in the kitchen window, but i don't know if it was him. My computer desk is right next to the kitchen, so i also think that he was one of the spirits from the window. After that i began having weird dreams and strange mood swings, almost even like i was mentally unstable. I've always been what I like to call "scatter-brained", but it's been getting a little worse now. I already have many different sides of my personality that seem to randomly switch in and out. I've identified at least 5 or so different "facets", as i call them. I've also noticed that i tend to live in my "own little world", and that I am slightly detached from reality, and for a while it seemed to spike while all of this instability was going on....but....

...When all of that died down a little bit just a few days ago, everything about the past few weeks slowly began to unveil. I saw an image of this spirit, and then I was told his name was something like "Eiswehr" (Eyes-verr). I really have NO idea how to spell it, im just guessing lol... Apparently he's a total jerk that everyone hated in all of his lives, as revealed by my friends. I soon discovered that this spirit was trapped inside of me, and now he takes control of me momentarily and makes me do and say fucked up things. Also Eiswehr is apparently related to me. But I don't know if i should trust these friends, seeing as they DID lie to me before about this stuff....

So what do you think? Do I have MPD, schizophenia, or bipolar disorder? Am I just crazy? What do you think is wrong with me?

Serendip Visitor's picture

Dont know what to say, i have

Dont know what to say, i have CPTSD with dissociation not multiple personalities.

Jenny's picture

Help I have split personality

Help I have split personality ..

After I broke up with this 5th guy and he hurt me I got love trauma ! because I don't feel love

My friends say that I am emo and In my house my mum find be that i am always happy

And have very short temper ! Even My mum remind me that i have food to eat ! I so easily forget

And the bitchy one . I always one to be someone elese but not purposely and the liar also will come out

And if is very noisy I will get mad!!! I will shout SHUT UP! MORE NOISY THAN DOG! .. How to cure and I always act like that I am very confidence !! actually I have very lowself esteem ..

I feel god hate me ! I blame everything to myself when the 5th guy break up with me..

Amol lokare's picture

About MPD disorder.

Plz plz plz help me...
I'm one of the person suffer from strong multiple personality disorder among the other.
My symptoms of these disorder is now becoming very chronic,i cant do anything
my social behavioral is totally changed.
What can i do ? Actually i'm studying in final year B.pharm. I know i have these disorder,i always feel hallucination,
phobia,and bad and silly thoughts always comes in my mind that really distract me.
Plz tell me what can i do ? I'm so emotional that i always cry for the small and unnecessary things,plz guid me well what can i do.i hate friends and never talk to them.i am alone in this world.
Day by day i becoming mad.
I'm mentally retarded.i cant focus on any particular task.i have lot of silly thoughts always running in my mind.My thoughts are very different.all people hate one like my thoughts.

prashant dhankar's picture

the same problem i am suffering .....

plz note the Date ---- u will be alright after - 27 - 9 - 2012...

ruzbeh's picture

Same as usuall

I think I may have multiple personalities. I always act exactly like those people who are successfull . I always talk to myself like I'm another person. I have conversations with myself. I always want to be like other poeple and I form new personalities. I form new people in my head and sometimes I act them out, but not on purpose. , and never remember why idid & what i did. I believe I have formed a disorder.

Jacob's picture


Im not to sure if i have MPD or pshycosis or bi polar ? For example when im alone id talk to my self about feelings,other people,randon stuff and i ask my self questions out loud and respond with an answer and some times i disagree with the answer and continue to debate over something , then i have my fear persona i hate meeting new people im incredibly at times depending on what mood im in but then sometimes im outgoing , i work full time and i get along with all my collegues but if someone says something like a joke or a little insult i put them on my '' shit list '' excuse the french and hold grudges but then i tend to just forget and i repeat what i say alot , ive never harmed anybody and i dont get evil intentions and im capable of getting on with life but im still insecure about my secret

monica's picture

O My god i Do this too !!

O My god i Do this too !! What has helped you get over this?

two faced teen's picture


i have mpd and im 13 turning 14 but thhe problem i have is my second personality "vice" he keeps on hurting my life he seems to love the whole two face gig and uses my silver dollar my grandpa gave me im scared he'll use it to hurt my gf and i have days that i cant even remember! HELP ME!!

two faced teen's picture

background story

when i was 2 my father "marc sweet" left my life and became a criminal from pictures and videos i devoloped "vice" weeks after the incident i`ve had head injuries alot and im premature by 2 months and 6 days.

Serendip Visitor's picture

CPTSD and dissociation

The above comments with imaginary friends and what not, thats psychosis, not dissociation, dissociation is a numbing of a persons physical , emotional existance, its the feeling of non existance, or time, its imprisonment, CPTD with dissociation for life, life?? Life involves time?? Just going through it, whatever it is, dont ask me about how it all happened, can hardly remember yesterday, foggy sureal dream from moment to moment, completely go away someplace, during intimacy, iv been told,dont remember, i dont even exist for it to matter, a speck of dust blowing in the wind. The above comments are from psychotics not actual dissociation.

Serendip Visitor's picture

couldnt agree with you more

couldnt agree with you more m8 im diagnosed as (F44.81) DID. And it isn't really something you just think to your self one day "oh i wounder if iv got dissociative personality disorder" No! life is just a constant montage of distorted fuzzy memories broken by a few clear ones of woundering how the fck you got to where ever you are and what you'v been doing all day or constant argueing with your decietful irrisponsible unreliable altar that would rather spend his time screwing your life up more rather then just live with it (as much as you can) and try and move on where possible and stop dwelling on shit you cant change (like the annoying psycological parasite that he is) but i can totally agree with you i have trouble distinguishing a disturbing vague but realistic dream from a memory of the day before. youv no choice but to live life from one moment to the next and just try and establish what goes on in between from a combination of physical evidence witness accounts from anyone who was there and trusting what your altar tells you (that is assuming you can communicate internally or just through random notes and messages atleast) im lucky in that i only have one altar (or at least i hope it stays that way) i couldnt imagine how difficult it must be to have 10 or 30 i have enough trouble with one annoying twat combined with diamorphine dependance and epilepsy

Confused guy's picture

I haven't told anyone about this

I sorta have an imaginary friend or some personality in my head. I'm a 'he' and he's a 'he' too and I enjoy talking to him. I'm 15 and I have many friends and i don't feel any kind of obstruction in my life because of him. He shares my feelings and thoughts and often comments on them as well. He shares my memories too and whenever nobody's around I kind of talk to him about the day and previous events. He helps me in many ways like coping with relationships, friends, family matters. Once when I was traveling somewhere in the car I felt sort of detached and disconnected and I felt as if he wasn't there with me. I felt short of breath but after a while I was alright again.

I don't know what this is, I guess I'm not crazy or anything cause this is not a split personality or negative one or anything like that. I don't believe in ghosts and demons or anything but I'm still a bit scared. I don't smoke or drink or do any drugs. Sometimes I have dreams about my friends or my crush and he's sort of there. I always refer to him as 'Him' and he has no face or body or name or any feature I can imagine or picture except his personality and his way of saying things. I wasn't really lonely in my childhood and I don't recall a lot about the past, but I've seen pictures from when I was 3-7 and I seemed very happy. I think I developed this 'friend' when I was b/w the age of 8-10.

I don't know what to do. Please help me

Alicia Fletcher's picture


I had the same kind of problem, but developed it like when I was three, a man living in my head, it was very upsetting and felt like i was going crazy. I told my mother i needed to go to a doctor because i was going to lose my mind. She overreacted to get attention for herself but never took me to the doctor, by the time the school made me get a pych eval, a few years later, for never talking , she told them about it but I denied it even though he as still there because he told me to. He didn't have a name, and wasn't really my friend, more like a bully. Eventually, when i was about 13 or 14 he went away.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Do all altrers have different names?

I have reason to believe that someone I became intimate with may have multiple personalities, but I'm not sure. Every week or two, there's a significant change in her behavior & she turns into someone who has nothing but hatred for me over things that none of my friends consider to be something to be upset about in the first place. This woman is an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse & has been in abusive relationships all her life. I'm the first person she's ever been around that is NOT abusive. I thought we became very close & she began to display strong feelings for me & even express them. She's been saying that my feelings for her are much stronger than hers are for me, but she's always been the one to say the sweet nothings & loving things first to me. Her own 7 year old child made it a point to tell her he can see she wants to kiss me & the child distinguished between romantic & platonic when she protested telling him we're just friends (which wasn't quite true. we've been more than friends since we started) He actually insisted to her saying "NO.You want to KISS her" (yes I'm a lesbian) I've always waited for her to say things first so as not to scare her too much. Too much emotion & anything intense seems to put her into a complete tailspin.

I think I witnessed a personality change just recently & unfortunately, the personality that hates me is the one in charge right now & she told me never to contact her again & has (again) blocked me on Facebook. She has been going back & forth, running to me & then away from me for a year now & most recently said she wants nothing to do with me on any level. She has no memory of certain places we've gone together, restaurants we've been to, & other things that she does. What I'm trying to find out is, do all the alternates always have different names? Or can they be different aspects of the same person & all of them have that person's name? She seems to display many if not all the symptoms & I don't know if she knows she has a problem or not. But I genuinely care for her - or at least the part of her that doesn't hate me. I'd at least like to remain friends with her if possible & I'm trying to understand how this all works. How does these poor people even have relationships?

Kimber's picture

I want to help as much as I can...

Hello, I'm 21 years old, and my ex-boyfriend has Dissociative Identity Disorder. I know this for a fact because I've spoken to a few of the personalities. Just recently, I broke up with him, and one of the personalities that called himself 'Death' broke through and said that he's destroyed all the other ones, including the one who was the 'host', the man I originally started dating, and the others that I have met. I don't honestly know what I can do to help. I don't live near him (he lives in Georgia, I live in Virginia), and I want to believe that he's still 'fighting' 'Death' and all, but I just feel horrible. I feel as if this is all my fault, and I wish there was some way I could help him. I know he needs help, but he'll refuse it, saying 'I'm sticking my nose in his business and I should get out now before I get hurt'. I just...what should I do?

A friend who wants to help...'s picture

how to help my bff...

Hi, I'm 17 and I have a friend whos like mu brother and says to have DID. Hes "people" sometime come out and talk to me but somehow I dont believe he has DID and well I jusr feel bad. Well furthermore he sufferd alot before, he was sexually abuse amd mentally also, and I want to help him if after all he does happen to have this, but I dont even know were to start. Help??????

Justin's picture

i'm sure i have DID/MPD

i'm not good with talking but anyhow i think i have this DID/MPD or something like it. i have personalities in me, and at times they can just come out and it's like if im in a dream, i can still feel but i can't really do anything, and i have most control over everything but i can hear talk to them and we don't agree that much at all. it's like living with people for a long time. they think differently about people, sometimes i want to do something and they will say bad idea sometimes they will push me to do something bad and i'll tell them bad idea. they main thing is we are different. i haven't had too much trouble in life with this. life seems a bit better with this but harder at time. but there is a violent side that gets a bit more powerful each time i get hurt so i want to find out more about all of this. so any information would be helpful to us and to know if we have this DID/MPD. there is me Justin, Alex, Alan, and Sam. which i just found out Sam's name not to long ago he told someone his name, funny thing is he doesn't trust me and we can keep secrets and hide things and when i pass out at times they can take control and i won't be able to remember.

Audrey's picture

My friend has it.

My close friend and neighbor Katherine has it. One time, I saw my friend named Sage. I was eating lunch with Katherine at school, and started to yell his name over and over again. Katherine told me to stop yelling that name. She wouldn't say why, so I assumed it was silly and kept screaming for Sage. A few seconds later, Katherine gets a scowl on her face. She starts being really mean to everybody and pushes my friend Nina down the stairs. After school Katherine told me she has "people" inside her. She has a LOT of personalities, I've seen everything from Love to Inappropriate. She has one named Fantasy, and another named Friendship (or known as Megan). A bunch of them don't have official names. What's weird about this disorder is that when I ask her questions about where she goes, she can't explain it. She says shes inside her mind, and she hears what goes on and everything. Another odd thing is when I question what a personality is doing, she can respond. She'll say one named Stefy (little kid personality) is sleeping, or that Fantasy is playing pacman. (LOL) . I really hope she goes on meds because she does some really unexplainable stuff. I will find out more about DID/MPD for her . c:

Searching's picture

i forgot another one

If I may add, just recently, I started seeing things that are not there but most of the time are only shadows. I think I'm hallucinating? One example is that when I look at one place I'll see a candy wrap or any object, but the next time I blink or look away for a second, it's not there. But what I'm worried about are the shadows. From the corner of the eyes I will see humans but only a shadow or a black blur. These kinds of things never happened with me before. Then I also converse with myself. Most it will just be a question with a yes or no answer. comments like indeed, yes, of course, pathetic, disgusting are often uttered and said.

Searching's picture

red flags

I become interested in this thing because i want to know if I'm just depressed, have little self confidence or has a DID. I read in this article () something about red flags. I do remember on red flag though. My mother and I were looking at the mirror of a public restroom along with my cousin and her friend , freshening up. I don't know why but I just snapped at my mother for no reason. She said something about freshening up our faces but with no ill intent. I don't know I just snapped out and told her that "I am not like them. I don't have the habit of fixing my face" or something similar to that. I was shocked at deep inside I only felt, What the fuck happened? Like why did I said that? I became irritated for no reason.

There was also this time (it happened two times) where my mother gave me money and told me to keep it. The next day she asked about it I can't remember her giving it to me. This happened for two consecutive days.

Then, there are times when I feel like homicidal I want people to be killed. For example, I really hate our physics teacher and every time she's teaching, I always imagined that there will be a scythe coming out of nowhere beheading her. Then there was also this teacher again who kind of gave a joke (but to me I felt really insulted) and from them on, I never greeted him and I also imagined bad things happening to him.

I also get irritated most of the time especially at home, with anyone of my family. I don't dream like most people do. I have this sudden feeling of adrenaline rush, like I want to run or shout but I refrain myself from doing it. I also hate when people touch me. I'm not comfortable with physical touch especially hugs. I don't like talking to people and for one whole year, I started declining most invitations people give me like with debut parties or just a message from a friend asking me to come over. I know that I am quiet and prefer to be by myself but not this much. I always give time to my friends especially my bestfriends, but now, I don't like going out of our house and I just dont feel like seeing anyone. I don't got outside and I hate the people outside ( I have two neighbors who badmouths my mother and I really want them dead.)

Maybe it's because of my family? My mother is committing adultery for more than 8 years now, and my father knows but he doesn't know who. My father too is going to clubs and doing "it" with different girls. I'm the only one who knows what are the thoughts of both sides, since my father and my mother tells their problem with each other to me.So I am in a tight position right now. But I'm close to my mother, so I understand her and protect her. I hate my father but sometimes I pity him. My mood swings is also an issue. There is a moment when I angry, then depressed, then a little bit happy then just blank. People also say that I don't have emotions or just blank. And I don't want to change that. The better that they are having a hard time trying to figure me out the better I feel good about myself hiding my true feelings, I'm sadistic like that. I hate crowds. I have 3 bestfriends that I'm very proud of because they are probab;y the only ones that can take my tactlessness and understand me, if not forgive me and just say I'm weird. I don't trust people and have the tendency to push them away.

LAst one, some of the things I do, say and think are most of the contradictory to each other. I can't focus one one thing that long nowadays.

My personality now is exactly the opposite of what I am when I was a child.

Can someone please tell me what's going on. I'm terribly confused.

Tiffany Nicole's picture

Do you think I have MPD?

I'm thirteen years old and a female.When I was five years old, I didn't have anyone to play with.Noone would talk to me or even look at me.Surprisingly,I wasn't even close to being depressed.Actually, becouse of noone hanging out with me, I created this imaginary friend that I told stories to at P.E. and slept with at naptime.A year later,this new girl named Alexis came to school.During P.E. I was in the middle of telling my imaginary friend a story about this beautiful bridge that I made up when she came up to me and asked me if I would be her friend becouse noone else would.I didn't even stop and think about finishing the story with my imaginary friend,instead I agreed and we went off playing.The thing was,as soon as I got home I started to talk to my imaginary friend again.I never stopped talking to her over the years but I never told Alexis about it.Even now,I do it more at this age,I continue to talk to my imaginary friend.I even created more.The thing is,when I'm around my imaginary friends I can act happy and share my darkest secrets with them.I feel like they are the only ones that understand me.I act really shy at school,with my imaginary friends I act like myself,but sometimes I'll act really mean out of nowhere to my real friends or I'll act really nice to them and not know why.Is that the result of my imaginary friend back in kindergarden?Do I have MPD?I'm really confused.My parents say that I have MPD but I'm not sure.Can someone please help?

VICE's picture

i`ll help u

im 13 as well and i 100% have mpd you may have it as well or maybe you had a good day so your nice to your friends and vice verca anyway if you need more help call me @ my names triston im here to help

Anonymous 's picture


i want to know if i have this disorder?
About a year ago me and this kid were having a rock fight. Eventually one of the rocks hit me right in the head. i thought i blacked out. (or im pretty sure i did) i woke up in a different spot laughing with my blood all over my hands. I stopped laughing and just tried to calm down as much i as can. Later when me and my friend was reporting this to the police he told a different story than i did. He said after i got hit in the head i stood there and started laughing, then chased after the guy that did it. but i dont recall doing that at all. I can almost never make decisions even if its simple. I dont know, i cant talk to my parents about this, i cant afford to go to a councilor, so i talked to one of my friends. She never told anyone, but she said that i was being to paranoid and that i never saw you as a different person and stuff. i dont know.. am i being to paranoid??

tam's picture

Do I have MPD ??

Just recently I have decided to reserch the possibility that I may have MPD.
My life has been a challenge for as long as I can remember, When I was about 2 or 3 I remember bits and pieces of a event. There was this old man sitting in a chair on his porch I believe he was the neighbor. He kept asking me to come into his yard and offered me a flower. the next thing I remember was being back in my yard crying and in some sort of pain but due to my age I was unable to express what had happened. I really don't remember what happened. I was raised ina family with severe abuse. My father would drink and stay away for days on end then when he would return home he would pull my mother from bed bet her rape her and then throw her outside. She would wait till he passed out and then have me let her in to sleep under my bed. This wen on for years. I would hear his car and would hold my breath to afraid that if I made a noise he would know I was awake. My mother was unstable as well she didn't care much for me she would always accuse me of being dirty and was very physicaly abusive among other things, I can remember sleep walking and waking up outside with my dog that I loved very much his name wasSPOT.I would stay with him until morning or until I could get backinto the house. One day I came home and he was gone. My mother had taken him the the pound she said I had done sexual things with him I felt like I could just die. Well this story goes on and on as yyou can imagine. Fast forward I had a daughter at the age of 16 and had a hard time bonding I know I love her so much but I was a very bad mother. Now she is grown and has three children of her own. She is a wonderful mother thank god. I am now 53 and have been having flashbacks of my childhood, I feel angry, depressed, I bing eat, I find bruses on my body and have no idea how the got there have isolated myself have no friends, feel empty,The other day I had a argument with a neighbor when I totaly lost control and starting yelling and calling her a fucking bitch among other things language I never use. I have also been hateful with my mother and try to hurt her with words. But then the next ime I see her I feel love. I'm so confused right now my life is in tatters. The only relationship I have is with my 4 dogs. I do work but I feel like a different person when i'm there. A little ocd. Anyway I am going to seek help but I would like a educated opinion. I have attemped to kill myself on one occation as well

Dashon's picture


You may! But Im not sure. MPD is usually caused by chilhood trauma. But DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. seek medical, help, and PRAY. PRAY PRAY PRRRRAAAAAYYYY pray to God!!

Serendip Visitor's picture

help with my gf

ok so i have a girlfriend who i love very dearly but she seems to have some sort of problem. On occasion her other side will come out and this scares me to death because this other side sometimes hurts her (cutting, hitting) and wants to hurt me. My gf is aware of this other side of her and she knows what happenes but cannot stop this from happening no matter how hard she fights this other side from coming out. Does anyone know how i could possibly help her with these problems, if someone does knows please respond so i can help her cope with this.

Kevin's picture

response to help with gf

I myself have the same kind of problem with my girlfriend. She will lash out on me and act all violent trying to hurt me and/or herself and after she doesn't remember a thing and is often scared of me since when trying to defend myself i sometimes accidently hurt her. I personally asked my gf about this "Ariel" as she goes by. the info she could give me was very useful to understand the situation. try that, learning anything you can may help. Chances are she went through some horrible event(s) that caused this. Just be understanding and caring.

DreamGirl's picture


I'm a sixteen year old girl who has been tortured for a long period of time until this year. Ive been having these dreams where i keep going back to them. One of the people in it was a guy and after that hes been in my head talking to me. Helping me. He really isnt bad and he hasnt done anything to me like Screamergirl he takes control of me sometimes but only when its acceptable and i need him. I feel like there's two of me, not like there's someone in my head. "Joint-dream" is the right word for what i feel as well. He writes on his own and everything. Is there something wrong?

Tymeria handy 's picture

hey i think you should really

hey i think you should really look into dreams because it seems as tho your dreams or alter is trying to signal to you that you need to understand and deal with your feelings . dreams are very meaningful and shows the unconscious mind . i personally dont think theres anything wrong with you its just the dreams are bringing to light your feelings about whats going on in your life . so please take time and look into everythin thats going on and try to come to terms and own your feelings .

Lilly's picture


I think thats God.. but it could be MPD.. but you should really tell someone. Good luck!

DreamGirl's picture

Actually i am a relgious

Actually i am a relgious person and i can totally believe that, but im not sure

Serendip Visitor's picture

Healthy multiplicity shows

Healthy multiplicity shows that being multiple is not a disorder, is just a way of being.

Anonymous's picture


After reading this script, and the explaination of MPD/DID, it seems more and more that I have this, and undiagnosed. I'm unaware, or not sure if it really is the case of me having this, or if it's just me thinking I do.

For example, I could be watching a movie and 'zone out' and go into what they call a trance state of mind, which would be 'clearing the mind', anyway, I would be watching the movie until I hit a 'zoning' point, and I would then be 'aware', usually two hours after the movie, which then I would be lost and confused. As I just became 'myself' again, (this is hard to explain) I would then act like I haven't seen it and be very convinced of this. Until roughly a few days later where the movie would play out in my head, but to 'me'.

I don't know what caused this, I used to be a happy guy, and quite socialable. I used to go out and 'hang' with my friends, I was rarely home. Now, I'm the complete opposite. I have developed what's called Agoraphobia (fear of crowds) and Aphaphosmphobia (fear of being touched by another person). I'm now anti-social and quite depressive. I am currently dealing anger issues, where one minute I would be calm and peaceful, and the next, I would just lash out my anger at someone. The thing is, it's never anyone at work, or at the few friends I have now. Just at my mother and my younger brother.

Don't get me wrong, they are my family, and I would not let harm come to them, but at times, I just have thoughts and feelings of violence and rage towards them. When I my brother and I are watching tv, I don't mind him being there. Yet, it would be the next day or another, where I would yell at him, spit insults towards him, I would even think about violence to him, and it would be brutal. The same goes for my mother. I know she drinks because she hasn't gotten over her own mothers death, but that isn't an excuse to me. It's just aggrovating and pitiful.

I can't even walk down the city's shopping centre without looking at everyone and pitying them. I look upon them like they have empty faces and they don't deserve what they have. Even when I meet new people, (which I have to due to work) I cannot help but think sympathy and shame at them. It varies with each person. Not only that, I twitch at them when I have to shake their hand in greeting, and it's a vile twitch where I would nearly vomit.

I really don't understand why I am like this, I always got on with people, I always had something to say, and I always made new friends every week. Okay, I understand that I did have a really bad experience in my life, or a few, but everyone has, and they are fine. Given there are those who do not cope, or pretend to.

I have even had other.. Experiences. Like I'm in the library choosing a book to read, whether I've read it or not, it's a book. Anyway, I don't read anything but Fantasy, as it's just an 'escape' from the worries, whether a few hours or minutes, and I would 'zone out' again and realise once I've left the Library, I'm in possession of some Crime/Thriller and Non-Fictional books. I don't read them, and I never will. I took them back immediately, and had to make up an excuse to hand them back within ten minutes of renting them.

And again, I would be having a conversation with my best friend, whom knows about my 'differences' as she has experienced them. When I'm talking to her, it's usually over random things, like anime or movies, even music. We like to criticise and compare reviews of them, and during the conversation, I would 'switch' and we would end up debating the religious ideaology and hypothesis as well as mythological and philosphy. Don't get me wrong, theose topics are an interest to me, but reading and hearing what I said to my friend isn't like me. I'm not that intelligent.

I agree, I'm smarter than most, but not that smart. The way I was discussing the topic, according to my friend, was like I had studied it for fifty years. That I was a professional in the subject. That's more than double my age!

Another thing that concerns me, Is that I'm also seeing things and hearing things that aren't there. The things I see are more like memories than visions or hallucinations. Like I would remember standing in the middle of an empty battlefield full of corpses, or stood ina tower as I watched the city move. I've recently been seeing horses on fire, wearing clad armor with riders bearing white robes in armor and scythes. I've also has this 'guardian' who looks like Alice in Wonderland, but with leather boots that are knee high, and covered in weapons. Whats weird to me is that this guardian has wings.

I don't know what it is, or what's going on in my head. I just want to know if I have MPD/DID, or I'm just thinking I do? Please let me know your thoughts.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Jst pray 4 urself nd ur

Jst pray 4 urself nd ur mother,dnt look @ urself as weirdo or anythng lyk dat!Its normal I have it 2!

EmoGirl's picture

Wants to know...

Ok so I am 18 years old and I dated this guy for 4 months and then we broke up... But since then I have been getting depressed one minute and then Happy the next. There have been times where I did cut myself in order to feel something else, also I have been getting paranoid and "Blacking out" at random moments. Also At times I pretend to be someone else (like a character in a book,movie or Anime character). Before I dated this guy, these never happened to me till now.... Is it Truama or is this some type of mental disorder?

leah's picture

please help me i cant stop

please help me i cant stop acting like other people like from tv or movies say like if one of the people i like is a alcholic i would try and be a alcholic im 16 and i was raped at 9 and it carryed on for a year and i have no control over it please someone help should i go to a doctor about it or what ... :(

Lilly's picture

Its ok i think your just

Its ok i think your just traumitized over what happened. You could have MPD and you should really talk to your doctor and get a good opinion. Im praying for you!

ScreamerGal's picture

Muse to MPD?

Hi! I'm a sixteen year old girl who underwent sexual trauma at around this time last year. Since then I've had a "voice" that speaks with me in my head, but he's not like other alters I've heard of. For the longest time Starscream from the Transformers series has been my muse, a being of inspiration and usually who I think of when I need to create a character or a story. After having my trauma (my Starscream toy was present with me at the time) he started popping up and "thinking" on his own. (Unlike the one from the show he's much, -much- kinder.) Recently we've both been researching MPD and haven't found any of this form, we're able to communicate with each other through our thoughts and I've convinced him to start keeping a journal, he also refuses to take control of me unless it's absolutely necessary, another strange thing we've realized is that we "joint-dream" where we're both present in our own separate forms inside the dream. He can also sometimes take partial control, like using my hands to write physical notes to me or making myself have faster reflexes than normal, or even typing since I've agreed to help him make his own Facebook so he can socialize with others. Is this completely unheard of? I've not bothered to tell my parents since he's more of a help than a problem and I don't want them to take me to get rid of him.

Kalan's picture

Don't worry

No, it's not unheard of; you actually remind me of my friend, Katy, who acted in a very similar fashion. She would actually have moments were she would "talk to herself" by thought. She's usually spontaneous and very social with other people, but her other half, Kat, was rude and shied away from others. Kat would always be there to guide Katy whenever she got scared or needed help. They also had the agreement that Kat would never take full control unless the situation demanded it; partial control was done often. She's been this way since she was nine[ish]. She looks "normal" to the everyday eyes.

You're one of the lucky ones; you don't have to fight it out with your other half (like I do, periodically). I will say that I share the same unexpected reflexes thing that you experience.

Neither me nor Katy have told our parents because we have the fear that they would try to "cure" us too. That's a personal choice you have to make for yourself. You should at least tell someone close to you to keep as a watchout if you don't feel comfortable talking with your parents. Nothing should happen, but it's nice to have someone to fall on just in case.


RAJVEER's picture


plz do contact me when u my reply at on facebook or on gmail,actully i want to know more about you,i have my personal intrest in this MDP, and doing the case study over this..........with my personal intrest..thanku plz do contact me

Serendip Visitor's picture


i know what you mean that he is a help. of course he is. it is a part of who we are. i think it is a special gift. dont let him get mean or hurt people though. with the help comes protectiveness as well. take care eb