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Tweeting from your phone
One of the cool things about using Twitter in a class setting is that it allows you to continue the discussion outside the classroom. For people whose phones have Twitter apps or web access this is pretty easy but you may not have realized that you can also use a regular cell phone to submit and read tweets.
Twitter has an FAQ on phones and also a Getting Started Guide for Twitter via SMS.
In a nutshell here's how you register your phone to your Twitter account and start tweeting via SMS:

Some Twitter tools for making sense of conversations
Several people have noticed, and I am feeling it myself as well, that it can be challenging to follow particular conversations within our #BMCed250 hashtag on Twitter. When Twitter hashtags are used at discrete real-time events (like in-class, at conferences, the scheduled #edchat, etc.) conversations are easier to follow because all the participants are attending to the Tweets at the same time. With our class we're using the #BMCed250 hashtag to converse over a longer span of time and asynchronously (without all necessarily seeing all the tweets simultaneously), so particular conversations within the hashtag are a little more difficult to manage.
Anyway, here are a few tools/techniques I found that might help you sort it all out if you are finding things chaotic:
Within Twitter