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Mental Health and the Brain: Books
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Mental Health and the Brain:
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Suggested Books for Commentary
An evolving list. Additional suggestions welcome in on-line forum below.
- Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions. Jaak Panksepp. NY: Oxford University Press. 2004.
- A Mind Apart: Travels in a Neurodiverse World. Susanne Antonetta. NY: Tarcher. 2007. (Silverman)
- An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness. Kay Redfield Jamison. NY: Vintage, 1997.
- Brain and the Inner World: An Introduction to the Neuroscience of the Subjective Experience. Mark Solms. NY: Other Press. 2003.
- Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia. Pamela Spiro Wagner and Carolyn Spiro. NY: St. Martin's Press. 2005.
- Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious. Gerd Gigerenzer. NY: Penguin. 2008
- Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain: Why Medication Isn't Enough. Elio Frattaroli. NY: Penguin. 2002
- Listening to Prozac. Peter Kramer. NY: Viking. 1993
- Love's Executioner, and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. Irwin Yalom. NY: Harper. 2000. (Safyer)
- Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Michel Foucault. 1988.
- Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life. Steven Johnson. NY: Scribner. 2005
- Muses, Madmen, and Prophets: Hearing Voices and the Borders of Sanity. Daniel B. Smith. NY: Penguin Books. 2007.
- My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey. Jill Bolte Taylor. NY: Viking, 2008.
- Neurobiology for Clinical Social Work: Theory and Practice. Jeffrey S. Applegate and Janet R. Shapiro. NY: WW Norton, 2005.
- Of Two Minds: An Anthropologist Looks at American Psychiatry. T.M. Luhrmann. NY: Vintage, 2000.
- Open-Minded: Working Out the Logic of the Soul. Jonathan Lear. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1998.
- Religion, Culture, and Mental Health. Kate Loewenthal. NY: Cambridge University Press. 2007.
- Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New Biology of Mind. Eric Kandel. NY: American Psychiatric Publishing Co. 2005.
- Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are. Joseph LeDoux. NY: Penguin. 2003.
- The Culture of Our Discontent: Beyond the Medical Models of Mental Illness. Meredith Small. Washington: National Academies Press. 2006.
- The Cure Within: A History of Mind-Body Medicine. Anne Harrington. NY: W.W. Norton. 2008.
- The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Antonio Damasio. NY: Harvest. 2000.
- The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, and Other Clinical Tales. Oliver Sacks. NY: Touchstone. 1998.
- The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunment in the Cultivation of Well-Being. Daniel Siegel. NY: WW Norton. 2007.
- The Myth of Empowerment: Women and the Therapeutic Culture in America. Dana Becker. NY: NYU Press. 2005
- The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain. Louis Cozolino. NY: WW Norton. 2002.
- Thinking in Pictures: My Life with Autism. Temple Grandin. NY: Vintage. 2006.
- Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy. Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton, and Claire Pain. NY: WW Norton. 2006.
Mental Health: Books
Hello all,
Just thought that I would share part of an extensive list I started last semester...thanks for all of the other books on the list!
Trauma related:
The Gift of Fear - Gavin DeBecker
The Body Remebers: Psychophysiology of Trauma ( I feel very strongly that anyone working with trauma survivors should read this!) - Babette Rothschild
Traumatic Dissociation: Neurobiology and Treatment - Edited by Vermetten, Dorahy, Spiegel (technical but suggest for psych majors with nbs concentration or anyone interested in trauma!)
Growing Up Girl: An Anthropology of Voices from Marginalized Spaces - Edited by Michele Sewell
Insecure At Last:Losing IT In Our Security Obsessed World - Eve Ensler
A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, and a Prayer - Eve Ensler ( I suggest this especially for anyone working with survivors of war)
Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injuries:
Head Cases - Michael Paul Mason (short stories of his experiences with clients)
Anything by Oliver Sacks!
The Tacit Dimension - Michael Polanyi (I think a must read for everyone!)
Experiments in Ethics - Kwame Anthony Appiah
The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality - Dalai Lama
Self Help and Alterrnative Therapy:
Getting the Love You Want - Harville Hendrix, PhD
( Imago Therapy-this is great type of therapy and a great way to learn how to talk with others in general)
Enjoy reading and I look forward to adding some of the others on Serendip to my list...
Mental Health: Foucault
I've read Oliver Sacks' An
I've read Oliver Sacks' An Anthropologist on Mars and Daniel Tammet, who is an autistic savant's Born on a Blue Day. Both seem relevant and were really enjoyable to read.
Another book I've heard of is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, which is a novel with an autistic protagonist although the author is not himself autistic.
Haven't read/finished any of these but possibly relevant...
Consciousness at the Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brainscience and Buddhism
Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature
Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, VS Ramachandran, MD and Sandra Blakeslee
Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression, James S. Gordon, MD
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom, Jonathan Haidt
The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, Andrew Solomon
Proust Was A Neuroscientist, Jonah Lehrer
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, Norman Doidge
Borderline Dilemma The Way It Was For Me, A.J. Mahari (e-books)
The Island of the Colorblind, Oliver Sacks
Making up the Mind: How the Brain Creates Our Mental World, Chris Frith
novel reading?
The novels are
Elliot Perlman, Seven Types of Ambiguity,
Siri Hustvedt, The Sorrows of An American &
Carol Gilligan, Kyra.
psychotherapy in literature
Nice thought. Thanks. Along these lines, another novel that comes to mind is
Irvin Yalom, Lying on the Couch (Kerle)
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