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Faculty Learning Community: Agenda and Notes (April 29, 2010)

Reflections on a journey toward science education as conversation
The theory and practice of science as "co-generative dialogue"?
Paul Grobstein will briefly describe and reflect on his own experiences with trying to get science education "less wrong," with the objective of providing a framework that will encourage and support continuing conversation about a number of issues that have come up in our meeting this year. Among them are
- What is science? reasoning? inquiry? How should science education be assessed? Does science education require prior preparation? Is there a skill to be mastered?
- Should education and research in education be modeled on "scientific methods and processes"?
- What's the role of feedback and collaboration in science education?
- What role should disciplinary expertise, interpersonal dynamics, and "misconceptions" play in science education?
- What kinds and levels of "structure" is important in science education?
- Is "problem" solving context specific or general?
- What are the pros and cons of various kinds of technological innovation?
Snacks will be served in Campus Center 200 from 2:30-4pm.
Beginning twenty years ago ... (pick one of the following)
- This isn't just MY problem, friend - 1991
- Science as "getting it less wrong' - 1993
- Some thoughts on introductory science teaching - 1993
Current status ... (read the first and one of the others)
- Evolution of science education as story telling and story revising
- Subjectivities and objectivities in classrooms and beyond
- Making sense of the world: the need to entertain the inconceivable
- Exploring the nervous system's role in experiencing ("discussion summary" and forum comments)
Additional materials
- Cultures of ability
- Science, culture, education, and the brain
- Learning to teach through coteaching and cogenerative dialogue