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Amophrast's picture

Q-Forum: Restructuring and Revising

This project started with the sudden realization that I could effect change. Not all by myself, of course, but when the options are so readily available, I figured I had to do something.

Here's a little background on me:

I'm a hall advisor this year, and will be a hall advisor this year. What does this mean? I am employed by BMC's Residential Life office to be the "eyes and ears on the hall" and serve as a resource for students, including directing them to other resources on campus. As a result, I have spent the past year working closely with the ResLife heads as well as two graduate assistants. I am also currently one of the co-heads of BMC's Rainbow Alliance, our main queer student group on campus. One of the things that Rainbow Alliance has traditionally taken care of (with the help of the Community Diversity Assistants, or CDAs) is something called Q-Forum. 

The idea for this project started with a wish for change, with my expressed unhappiness about the way that things "had" to happen, or the ways in which I "had" to do them, especially since I was to be in charge of running Q-Forum next year. And then I realized...If I am in charge of things and I am not happy with the way they are going, why am I not changing them?


DISCLAIMER: this is something I probably should have realized a long time ago. Anyone can propose or enact change, but sometimes it's good to have a plan.

Anne Dalke's picture

Ecological Imaginings ESEM

bluebox's picture

"Diffracting" short essay

At the beginning of this class, I did not know what I was expecting. I figured I would show up and see what happens, because I was bound to learn something. And I certainly did. I had no idea how to define feminism but I assumed it was a good thing, and now I have a concrete definition. Well, as concrete as it can be in these circumstances.  Feminism is about equal treatment of men and women, but in order to do that we have to equalize treatment of races, classes, appearances, abilities, etc.  Feminism is really about equality for everybody, and that is something worth fighting for.

I feel like a very different person from the one I was at the beginning of the semester, but I know that is only because I’ve lived longer and experienced more.  My first serendip posts more or less had a distinct point to them—I knew what I thought, whether it was right or not.  They gradually got less and less certain, which reflects my experiences as a person over the last few months.  I questioned everything in the last few months, partially because of this course. Before this semester, I simply accepted that I knew what I knew and that there were always going to be things that I didn’t know.  That never stopped me from trying to find answers, but it was more acceptable to me if I never found them.  After this class, I question everything and I need to have a definite result of my questioning, and be able to defend it.  It is a very defeating kind of feeling.

vspaeth's picture

A self-evaulation to wrap everything up

            A lot of what is going to appear in this self evaluation probably also appeared in my final web event and maybe a little bit in my review of my part in the final performances.  So let us start at the beginning!  I decided to take the class for a few reasons: 1.) I like English classes 2.) The topic seemed interesting and 3.) I had not taken a class with Anne before.  The first topic was really enjoyable for me.  I liked thinking about the digital humanities, a term I had never heard before, and I really liked imagining the different ways the academic essay could appear in the digital humanities.  I remember that I was struggling with my definition of genre, but in my first meeting with Anne she helped clarify the idea of genre for me by broadening it past my definition for it. 

            As I am writing this I realize I probably should have met with Anne more throughout the course of the semester.  It may have helped me deal with whatever I ended up going through sooner, rather than spending most of the semester feeling lost and inadequate. 

vspaeth's picture

Final Performances: Behind the scenes of the Literary Lab!

So EGrumer and I worked with dglasser to help flesh out her idea of Literary Labs a little more!

Some of the things I was responsible for were:

I linked to the websites where I found both the list and character profile in case anyone wants to see them again.  The book list was something dglasser knew she wanted when she originally designed the labs.  The idea, and she can correct me if I'm wrong, was that you would be able to draw inspiration from these various works.  The character profile is something that I (and EGrumer) had used before when acting.  Normally they're used to help people in the chorus or minor roles flesh out a character for themselves so they can put more into their performance on stage.  I liked this one because it was really detailed and I thought it would be useful to help writers develop characters if that's what they wanted to work on in the lab. 

vspaeth's picture

Exploring evolutions from Literary Kinds to Self

           How can we define genre?  It is a kind of something, a type.  It is a manner we use to categorize information that we come into contact with on a daily basis.  Genres evolve.  This semester we have explored the evolution of various genres; we have seen how the lines between them become blurry.  We have taken the definition of genre and molded it to fit in ways we may not have thought about before.  With this in mind, how has the genre of this class evolved over the course of the semester?  It has evolved.  Everything evolves.  I have evolved, the class has evolved, and this paper will evolve as it is written.  The evolution of the class is important because it helps me to see where my problems were and it helps me to tie everything together and try to make sense of a class that I struggled through. 

dglasser's picture

My Evaluated Self: I Am a Happy Splinter

Imagine you are a splinter, stuck in the hand of a mightier being that you cannot wholly see or comprehend. This is how I feel. I am a splinter in the hand of the humanities. I’ll never completely understand this field, and an argument can be made that no one ever will. The humanities expand, knowledge develops, and opinions are unstable. But what I know right now, at this temporal moment in space and time is… I am one happy splinter!

At the beginning of this course I was convinced that my thesis would be dedicated to the “in-between genre”, genres like historical fiction, or creative non-fiction - genres that blurred the very definition of the word. The description for this course read, “we [will] examine a range of explanations for how and why new genres evolve”, so I was prepared to read literary theories and compare those theories to both works that obeyed and bent the stereotypes of their specified genres. I walked into this class expecting to gain a background for my thesis. By the time I walked out, I had most definitely began a background, but more importantly I was exposed to an environment that thankfully made me realize that no thesis topic should be chosen at the beginning of your sophomore year.

mbeale's picture

Looking Back

This class was much different than what I initially thought it would be. As a freshman coming into what was advertised as an introductory course for those interested in the Gender and Sexuality field, I expected to get a good amount of groundwork (vocabulary, exposure to scholarly works, theory, writing practice, etc) necessary to enter into higher level courses with a desired edge. What I experienced was actually quite different. I was left out of the loop for not having this groundwork which I had expected to gain, not teach, to the class, and often tremendously irrelevant to the inappropriately Bryn Mawr-centric syllabus.

kobieta's picture

The Ring Species

There is nothing I hate more than being proven wrong, and that’s exactly what Lit Kinds did this semester. Several times. Although I hate to admit that the class proved me wrong on several occasions on what I thought were my opinions and what makes me, me, these instances only made me a better thinker, a better writer, and overall a better learner, who is more open to changes.

                I also hate to reuse this metaphor, but in my final self-evaluation for my bio class with Wil Franklin, I mentioned that I was like the ending species in a ring species. Ring species are animals—mostly birds—that migrate in a circular pattern in a course of a time frame, like a year. During this migration pattern, they evolve into several different species until the time comes that they return to their starting point and find that although they resemble the creatures that started the journey, they are completely different species. I am that final species in my Bio class as I am in Lit Kinds.

Anne Dalke's picture

Getting Acquainted....and Getting Organized

I. Anne: getting acquainted, via wagon wheel/carousel/microlab….
pair up in two concentric circles, across from someone you don't know

tell one another:
1) if you were an imaginary (literary, filmic, gaming) character,
who would you be?
if you were a life form other than human, what might it be?
if you were a (non-organic) structure, what might that be?
(for example, if you were an institution what might that be?)
2) what is your name and preferred pronoun?
(tell each other all the pronouns you’ve ever heard of)
how do you identify yourself racially and/or ethnically?
(how have others identified you racially and/or ethnically?)
3) describe the building and the room you lived in
 when you started kindergarten; then…
describe the building and the room you live in now
4) describe a time when you were silenced;
describe a time when you chose silence
5) describe a time when you had voice
6) is there anything that you are afraid to talk about/
are you worried/concerned about our talking about in this class?
7) describe something you saw today
8) what is your vision of this 360?
9) what get-acquainted question should we have asked, but didn't?

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